Madrid Monitor

The trademark database of Cambodia is available in WIPO’s platform (WIPO Monitor)

 Search accuracy: Although WIPO’s database of trademarks is a significant resource, it is crucial to remember that the information it contains may not always be current or exhaustive. Therefore, the absence of identical marks in the search results does not guarantee that your proposed mark is registrable. It is recommended to do an official search for trademarks. See our recommendation below.

 Trademark classifications: According to the goods or services they provide to identify, trademarks are classified into various classes. Consider the classifications of your proposed trademark as well as any comparable trademarks you discover during your search.

 Likelihood of confusion: A trademark search is conducted to identify whether your proposed mark is comparable to any existing marks. Consider the potential of confusion between two comparable trademarks if you identify a similar trademark. The greater the possibility of confusion, the lower the likelihood that your proposed trademark will be registered.