Anti-Counterfeiting in Vietnam


KENFOX IP lawyers provide brand management services to the clients, helping them to increase their exposure and marketability, while defending against counterfeits that threaten their value. KENFOX partners have worked with various well-known trademarks subject to infringement and provided intellectual property policing programs and trademark watch services that ­alert us to potential issues against which our clients may need to take action.


We handle everything from the preliminary research and protest of infringing uses to litigation against infringing uses before Department of Enforcement and Appeal Settlement, National of Intellectual Property of Vietnam, Ministry of Science & Technology of Vietnam. Our IP lawyers has extensive experience in assisting our clients in every aspect of their anti-counterfeiting and antipiracy efforts, including investigations, seizures of counterfeit merchandise. Most of investigation are conducted by our in-house investigators to cut down costs for our clients. For complicated infringers, at the client’s requests, we may do outsourcing. We have assisted in developing various strong anti-counterfeiting/piracy programs for our clients to optimize their brand management.