KENFOX IP & Law Office > Trademark evaluation, Trademark clearance and Trademark registration in Vietnam

Trademark evaluation, Trademark clearance and Trademark registration in Vietnam


KENFOX IP lawyers strive to provide trademark protection and counseling that recognizes the importance and value of our clients’ brands. Knowing that brand protection involves much more than just trademark registration in a certain jurisdiction, our lawyers work with the clients from the beginning of the branding process to register and protect marks, and to ensure our clients establish their brands as revenue-generating assets that increase in value and add to their bottom line.


We counsel clients on the availability of trademarks, conducting our own searches and/or reviews and advising on outside search results, and we provide solutions to overcome conflicting marks or other issues (risks of trademark infringement), including advice on when to change a trademark or to acquire an existing trademark owned by another. We also file and prosecute registration applications in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar and other Asian countries, advise and counsel on the countries in which to register a mark, and manage brands on a worldwide basis.


KENFOX attorneys employ a sophisticated strategy for evaluating the availability of intended trademarks and titles, identifying potentially problematic third party references as early as possible in the search process. We also investigate potentially problematic uses of marks by third parties. Our opinions are then based on in-depth investigations if additionally required by the clients. For cost efficiencies, our paralegals, with the supervision of a lawyer, handle most of the trademark clearances.