KENFOX IP & Law Office > Our Practice  > Laos  > Trademark  > How long does a trademark registration last in Laos?

How long does a trademark registration last in Laos?

As per Article 51 of the revised IP Law of Laos enacted on November 15, 2017, the term of trademark protection in Laos is provided as follows: “The term of protection of trademarks shall be 10 years from the date of filing the application for registration. Upon expiry the term of protection may be indefinitely renewed and each period of renewal will be for l0 years. In order to maintain the term of protection the owner of the trademark shall pay fees and charges every l0 years in advance“.

However, for trademark registration certificates issued before the amendment of the Laotian IP law, for example, trademark registration certificates issued in 2014, the term of trademark protection in Laos would be 10 years from the registration date (not the filing date).


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