KENFOX IP & Law Office > Our Practice  > Laos  > Trademark  > How to register a trademark in Laos?

How to register a trademark in Laos?

To register a trademark in Laos, you are advised to follow the following steps:

(i)  Conducting a pre-filing trademark search: Before applying for trademark registration, it is important to search the trademark database to ensure that your proposed trademark is available and not already in use by another party.

(ii) Prepare the trademark application: Your trademark application should include the following information: the name and address of the applicant, a clear representation of the trademark (in words and/or images), a list of the goods and services that the trademark will be used for.

(iii) File the trademark application: The trademark application can be filed either directly with the Department of Intellectual Property of Laos (DIP) or through a local trademark agent. Kindly note that a foreign individual or entity must authorize a local IP agent in Laos to apply for trademark registration.

(iv) Examination of the trademark application: Once the trademark application has been filed, it will be examined by the DIP to ensure that it meets the requirements for trademark registration. A trademark application in Laos undergoes 02 examination stages: Formality Examination and Substantive Examination. The examination may include a review of the trademark’s distinctiveness, similarity to existing trademarks, and compliance with the Trademark Law of Laos.

(v) Publication of the trademark: If the trademark is approved, it will be published in the Official Gazette of Laos. This publication serves as notice to the public of the trademark’s existence and allows other parties to file an opposition to the trademark registration within 60 days from the publication.

(vi) Respond to any objections: If the DIP raises objections to your trademark application, you will need to respond to them and provide additional information or clarification as needed.

(vii) Grant of trademark registration: If there are no objections to your trademark application, unlike other national IP Office, DIP will Not issue a Notice inviting the applicant to pay the registration fees. Instead, DIP will immediately issue a certificate of registration and return the original Certificate to the trademark applicant.


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