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Notification to Copyright Applicant and Publication: How and What?


Following the Registrar’s decision on a copyright registration application, copyright applicants are promptly informed about the outcome of their submissions and that successful registrations are made accessible to the public.

1. Notification of the Decision

The applicant will be directly notified about the decision on their copyright registration application. This notification could be in the form of a formal letter, email, or another official communication method used by the Registrar’s office. It informs the applicant whether their copyright registration has been granted or refused.

Knowing whether the copyright has been granted or refused allows the applicant to make informed decisions about their next steps, whether it be to seek protection under copyright law, address any issues with their application, or consider alternative strategies for protecting their work.

In cases where the copyright application is refused or requires revision, the notification provides the applicant with an opportunity to understand the reasons for refusal and what steps, if any, can be taken to rectify the issues. This might include providing additional information, making necessary amendments, or challenging the decision if the applicant believes there has been an error.

2. Publication of the Grant

If a copyright application is granted registration, the grant will be published “in the prescribed manner”. This means that details of the copyright registration will be made publicly available, likely to include:

•  The title of the work: Ensuring that the work can be identified by the public and interested parties.

•  The author(s) name(s): Indicating who created the work.

•  The owner of copyright: This could be the author or another entity to whom the copyright has been assigned or licensed.

•  Registration date: The date on which the copyright was officially registered, which could be important for determining the duration of copyright protection.

•  Any other relevant information: This might also include the type of work, a brief description, and other relevant details that help to identify and catalog the work within the public record.

By Nguyen Vu QUAN

Partner & IP Attorney