KENFOX IP & Law Office > News  > Cambodia  > The Phnom Penh 22nd ASEAN IPA Annual Meeting & Conference in April 2018

The Phnom Penh 22nd ASEAN IPA Annual Meeting & Conference in April 2018

The 22nd ASEAN IPA Annual Meeting & Conference was held at Sokha Phnom Penh Hotel & Residence in Cambodia on 6-7 April 2018. The Conference was an annual event of the ASEAN IPA, attended by approximately 200 participants and delegates who are both Intellectual Property professional as well as non-IP professional and come from both ASEAN and non-ASEAN countries, to discuss, exchange, and update information on IP aspects in the ASEAN and other regions, as well as to meet friends and join cultural performances by the ASEAN participants.

The 2018 ASEAN IPA Conference with a theme of “IP CHALLENGES IN THE 21ST CENTURY” mainly focused on the current challenges in terms of technology and economy on both global and regional scale, as well as the issues of online counterfeiting and infringement, and the recent Intellectual Property developments in several countries. Such topics were presented by counsels/speakers from Cambodia, China, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Thailand, and representatives from various organizations such as the WIPO, JETRO, ASEAN IPA, AWGIPC, APAA, and AIPPI.
