KENFOX IP & Law Office > Our Practice  > Laos  > Can Brand Owners Send Lao Customs Officials A Product Information Guide Or Any Additional Materials To Assist Them In Identifying Genuine Products?

Can Brand Owners Send Lao Customs Officials A Product Information Guide Or Any Additional Materials To Assist Them In Identifying Genuine Products?

To increase the effectiveness of customs recordal in detecting and preventing the importation or exportation of counterfeit goods, trademark owners should furnish customs officials with clear and detailed information regarding their registered trademarks. Specifically, the following details can aid customs officials in better identifying counterfeit goods and differentiating them from genuine products.

  • images, descriptions, samples of genuine products,
  • a list of Characteristics for distinguishing genuine goods from goods infringing on IP rights,
  • any equipments or tools to differentiate the differences between the original and counterfeit products.

Such details can be submitted in Word, PDF, or physical formats, provided they are clear, comprehensive, and in good condition, allowing customs officials to rely on during their procedures.

In addition, brand owners can collaborate with customs authorities to organize training and awareness programs for customs officials. These sessions can cover topics such as the distinctive features of the trademark, the method to differentiate between genuine and counterfeit goods, and the utilization of available tools and technologies for counterfeit detection.