KENFOX IP & Law Office > Our Practice  > Vietnam  > IP Practice  > Trademark (Page 4)

How to overcome Vietnam’s refusal of allegedly descriptive trademarks?

Numerous trademark applications in Vietnam are denied for the following reasons: The trademarks do not meet the protection requirement since they are regarded as descriptive of the goods/services in question. Trademarks that include only signs used in commerce to indicate the type, quality, quantity, intended use, value, place of origin, of the goods, or the time of manufacture, or signs that have become customary in Vietnam, are considered descriptive of certain properties or characteristics of the intended goods/services, and thus cannot perform the function of trademarks and are not protected....

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Vietnam’s 2022 amended IP Law: What do new trademark provisions mean for your brand protection strategy?

Intellectual property is regarded as a company's most important and valuable asset. In particular, it cannot be denied that a trademark is the industrial property object with the highest commercial exploitation value. Numerous amendments and additions have been made to Vietnam's 2022 Intellectual Property Law in order to improve the effectiveness of the intellectual property protection mechanism and fulfill Vietnam's legal obligations under International intellectual property agreements to which Vietnam is a signatory, including CPTPP, EVFTA, and RCEP...

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Filing an opposition or a third party observation in Vietnam: Which option is better?

If you believe that a trademark application in Vietnam is likely to conflict with or adversely affect your prior rights, or that it does not meet the criteria for protection, you may submit your opinions on the grant of an exclusive right to such a trademark application to the Intellectual Property Office of Vietnam (IP VIETNAM) after it has been published in the industrial property gazette of Vietnam. The Vietnam IP Law 2022 gives third parties two options for voicing their opinions on pending trademark applications in Vietnam: (i) third party observation and/or (ii) opposition....

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