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Exploring Vietnam’s Investment Landscape: DeHeng’s Strategic Visit to KENFOX

Today, 09 April 2024, a team from DeHeng Law Offices conducted a visit to our firm, KENFOX IP & Law Office in Hanoi, to discuss the prospect of establishing a working relationship and to gain insights into the investment climate in Vietnam. DeHeng Law Offices, founded in 1993, is a leading law firm known for its comprehensive legal services, with over 4,000 legal service professionals and a significant commercial presence in more than 10 countries worldwide.

KENFOX is highly regarded for its specialized expertise in IP, business, and investment laws. The current landscape indicates that China is massively investing in Vietnam covering a wide range of industries such as solar panels, smartphone assembly, audio components, electric vehicles, aluminum alloys, rubber products. and plastics, computer and optical equipment. In this context, DeHeng’s visit was aimed at forging a collaborative relationship with KENFOX. This partnership aims to assist their Chinese clients in investing and conducting business in Vietnam in a legally safe manner.

Attending the meeting were 6 experts from DeHeng under the leadership of Ms. Wei Yang and 4 from KENFOX, led by Mr. Nguyen Vu Quan. Both parties highlighted the strengths and areas of expertise of their respective companies, expressing mutual respect and recognizing the potential for collaboration between KENFOX and DeHeng in not only IP but also other legal matters in Vietnam.

KENFOX expressed its appreciation for DeHeng’s visit and the valuable perspectives shared on the important role of Chinese investment in Vietnam, highlighting the advantages of sectors such as manufacturing, which benefit from lower costs and strategic commercial benefits. This is part of a larger trend of supply chain restructuring favoring Vietnam and this positions Vietnam as a crucial part of China’s global investment strategy. Mr. Quan emphasized that investment in Vietnam will bring a lot of benefits to Chinese companies thanks to the stable political climate, attractive investment environment, potential market, and favorable conditions due to FTAs like the EVFTA and RCEP.

Since its founding in 2010, KENFOX has spent nearly 15 years helping numerous multinational companies establish and conduct their businesses in Vietnam. Their support covers everything from setting up companies and managing operations to securing the necessary permits. Mr. Quan highlighted the dynamism and effectiveness of the KENFOX team, despite the firm’s relatively short history. He is proud of the team’s ability to tackle complex cases and their deep knowledge in areas like intellectual property, business, and investment laws. According to Mr. Quan, KENFOX’s attorneys and professionals are highly skilled experts in their respective legal fields.

Mr. Quan also highlighted key accomplishments recently, such as advising one of the largest Chinese pharmaceutical companies on registering its products in Vietnam last year. He proudly recounted a major legal triumph where KENFOX represented one of Vietnam’s leading pharmaceutical firms in a significant trademark dispute at the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Court.

Ms. Wei Yang agreed with Mr. Quan’s sharing that having deep understanding of the Vietnamese legal system to comply with the local laws is crticial to avoid or at least, minimize legal risks and ensure smooth business and investment activities in Vietnam.

Ms. Wei Yang added that DeHeng Law Offices, with a long history of successfully supporting business ventures in various jurisdictions around the world, is acutely aware of the challenges and opportunities that the Vietnamese market brings. Partnering with KENFOX, DeHeng aims to leverage its global expertise and deep understanding of the local culture and laws to assist Chinese and multinational corporations in conducting business legally for sustainable development in Vietnam. She believes that this cooperation will be a strategic bridge, providing customers with comprehensive legal services, meeting special needs when operating in Vietnam.


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