KENFOX IP & Law Office > Our Practice  > Laos  > Trademark  > Is a trademark published after its registration in Laos?

Is a trademark published after its registration in Laos?

The publication of a trademark in the industrial property gazette serves as public notice of the trademark registration and provides information about the trademark to the public. The post-registration publication of a trademark application provides potential infringers with notice of the trademark owner’s rights. It also provides an opportunity for third parties to file a cancellation action against the trademark registration if they believe that it infringes on their rights or is otherwise inappropriate. This makes trademark registration fair and transparent.

After a trademark is registered, the Department of Intellectual Property of Laos must publish the trademark registration in the Official Gazette of Registration of Industrial Property.

If the publication contains errors, and it is within 60 days of the first publication, the trademark owner can propose to the Department of Intellectual Property of Laos to republish the registration, along with the updated information, without having to pay service fees.


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