KENFOX IP & Law Office > Our Practice  > Laos  > Trademark  > What are the requirements for trademark registration in Laos?

What are the requirements for trademark registration in Laos?

The following information and documents are required to provide us for trademark registration in Laos:

Requisite Information:

(i)   Full name, address and nationality of the applicant;

(ii)  Description of the trademark: meaning, colors claimed, translation or transliteration of characters into English if the mark contains foreign characters;

(iii) List of goods/services to be covered by the trademark and if possible, the class(es) of the respective goods/services according to the International Classification (if known)

(iv) If a priority is claimed: statement of country, application number and filing date of the original foreign application from which the priority is claimed.

Requisite Documents:

(i)  An original Power of Attorney (PoA) from the applicant. A copy of the executed PoA can be accepted at the time of filing trademark applications, but the original one must be submitted within 30 days from the filing date; 

(ii) Ten images of the mark (the size of each specimen is not smaller than 15mm x 15mm and not larger than 80mm x 80mm);

(iii) If the Convention priority is claimed: a certified copy of the priority document(s) and the English translation thereof. 


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