KENFOX IP & Law Office > Our Practice  > Vietnam  > IP Practice  > Geographical Indication  > What are required documents for GI registration in Vietnam?

What are required documents for GI registration in Vietnam?

The registration of a geographical indication (GI) in Vietnam requires the submission of a set of documents to the Intellectual Property Office of Vietnam (IP VIETNAM), which is the agency responsible for administering GI protection in Vietnam. The required documents for GI registration in Vietnam include

(i) The name or the sign that is the geographical indication (GI) (soft file);

(ii) List of goods bearing the geographical indication;

(iii) Description of peculiar characteristics or quality or reputation of the product bearing the geographical indication and characteristics of natural conditions attributing to the peculiar characteristics or quality, or reputation of the product (hereinafter referred to as the “Description of peculiar characteristics”). The description must be confirmed by the applicant that all information in the description is true and verified. (02 copies);

(iv) The map of the geographical area corresponding to the GI. The map must be confirmed by the applicant that it is true and verified (02 copies);

(v) Documents evidencing that the GI is under protection in the country of origin if it is a foreign GI;

(vi) Original signed Power of Attorney (PoA) (notarization or legalization is not required). A copy of the executed PoA can be accepted at the time of filing trademark applications, but the original one must be submitted within 30 days from the filing date.

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