KENFOX IP & Law Office > Our Practice  > Laos  > Trademark (Page 4)

What are the requirements for trademark registration in Laos?

The following information and documents are required to provide us for trademark registration in Laos: Requisite Information: (i)   Full name, address and nationality of the applicant; (ii)  Description of the trademark: meaning, colors claimed, translation or transliteration of characters into English if the mark contains foreign characters; (iii) List of goods/services to be covered by the trademark and if possible, the class(es) of the respective goods/services according to the International Classification (if known) (iv) If a priority is claimed: statement of country, application number and filing date of the original foreign application from which the priority is claimed. Requisite Documents: (i)  An original Power of Attorney (PoA) from...

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How to register a trademark in Laos?

To register a trademark in Laos, you are advised to follow the following steps: (i)  Conducting a pre-filing trademark search: Before applying for trademark registration, it is important to search the trademark database to ensure that your proposed trademark is available and not already in use by another party. (ii) Prepare the trademark application: Your trademark application should include the following information: the name and address of the applicant, a clear representation of the trademark (in words and/or images), a list of the goods and services that the trademark will be used for. (iii) File the trademark application: The trademark application can be...

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What types of trademarks can be registered in Laos?

Marks are categorized into 04 (four) types for examination and registration purpose as per Article 5 of Decision No. 2822/MOST dated 17 December 2019. Type 1: “Trademark”: A trademark is defined as a symbol or a combination of symbols used to distinguish the goods of individuals, legal entities, or organizations from the symbols of others. Symbols may be words, including invented words, signatures, names, figures, shape elements, outlines, photographs, three-dimensional pictures, animated images or packaging of goods, or a combination of colors or symbols; Type 2: “Service Mark”: A Service mark is a symbol or a combination of symbols used to distinguish the...

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Questions on trademark registration and protection in Laos

Download What types of trademarks can be registered in Laos? Marks are categorized into 04 (four) types for examination and registration purpose as per Article 5 of Decision No. 2822/MOST dated 17 December 2019. Type 1: “Trademark”: A trademark is defined as a symbol or a combination of symbols used to distinguish the goods of individuals, legal entities, or organizations from the symbols of others. Symbols may be words, including invented words, signatures, names, figures, shape elements, outlines, photographs, three-dimensional pictures, animated images or packaging of goods, or a combination of colors or symbols; Type 2: “Service Mark”: A Service mark is a symbol...

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Conducting a trademark search in Laos: Why and How?

Before filing a trademark application in Laos, it is advisable to conduct a search based on the trademark database of the Department of Intellectual Property of Laos (DIP) to determine the registrability of a proposed mark. Conducting a pre-filing trademark search is highly recommended for several reasons: Avoid potential trademark infringement: A trademark search conducted before filing a trademark application in Laos might help uncover any existing marks that may be similar to the one you intend to register. This can help you avoid infringing on the trademark rights of others and prevent costly legal disputes down the road. Save time and...

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