KENFOX IP & Law Office > Related Matters in Vietnam (Page 9)


Should any dispute or difference arise between the parties hereto or between their legal representative or between one of them and the legal representative of the other in regard to any matter arising out of or relating to this Agreement or to the interpretation thereof or in regard to the interest of either party thereto, contrary to the terms of this Agreement or in regard to any claim which either party may have against the other, then such matter shall be referred to Arbitration....

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Force Majeure

If performance of this Agreement is interfered with, for any length of time, by Act of God, war, civil commotion, epidemics and other similar occurrences which are beyond the control of either party, neither party shall be held responsible for nonperformance of this Agreement for such length of time....

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Technical Assistance

ABC shall, by request of XYZ, permit a reasonable number of technical personnel designated by XYZ to have opportunity to study to manufacture of the Licensed Products at the plants of ABC. Such personnel shall be given adequate training to acquaint themselves with production design, production engineering, processes of production and testing of the Licensed Products. Such personnel shall be permitted to make notes and sketches and to procure pertinent technical and photographs in possession of ABC relating to the foregoing including the cost of raw materials and methods of quality control which may be in use in connection with...

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Since all of the situations which are likely to arise as a result of this Agreement cannot be foreseen, the parties hereto intend to discuss and execute such modifications of this Agreement as seem appropriate through mutual consent. Any such modifications shall be signed by the parties hereto and become a part of this Agreement...

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lf any provision or any portion of any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement and the remaining portion of any provision held void or unenforceable In part shall continue in full force and effect....

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