KENFOX IP & Law Office > Related Matters in Vietnam (Page 4)


If you're thinking of enforcing against an infringement of your intellectual property rights in Vietnam under administrative proceedings, a thorough understanding of functions, tasks, and capacities of a law enforcement authority in Vietnam will enable you to choose an authority that is competent to handle IPR infringement, to avoid unexpected delays and to maximise the authority’s strength in subsequent enforcement actions....

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6 benefits of registering a work for copyright protection in Vietnam – Why should a work be registered with Copyright Office of Vietnam?

In conformity with Berne Convention, the IP Law of Vietnam also provides, under Article 6.1, that “Copyright shall arise at the moment a work is created and fixed in a certain material form, irrespective of its content, quality, form, mode and language and irrespective of whether or not such work has been published or registered”. The aforesaid legislation means that copyright registration is not a pre-requisite for entitlement of copyright protection and proceeding with legal actions. A work is automatically protected in Vietnam without having to register it with Vietnamese competent authority....

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Chứng cứ trong các vụ án Sở hữu Trí tuệ tại Việt Nam

1. Các vụ tranh chấp về Sở hữu Trí tuệ (“SHTT”) được xét xử tại Việt Nam trong thời gian cho thấy: Nhiều yêu cầu khởi kiện của nguyên đơn đã bị tòa án bác bỏ vì chứng cứ giao nộp theo đơn khởi kiện không được xem là hợp pháp. Trong nhiều vụ kiện về SHTT, các yêu cầu bồi thường thiệt hại của nguyên đơn bị tòa án bác bỏ vì chứng cứ chứng minh thiệt hại bị xem là không có cơ sở pháp lý . Điển hình, có vụ án, tòa án cấp sơ thẩm không công...

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Time-limit for responding to Office Action concerning IP applications in Vietnam

Registration application: Under Vietnam IP Law, the time period from application to registration for a straightforward application is 12 months. Response toward OA: For a Notice of Formality Deficiencies/Shortcomings: The IP Vietnam issues a Notice of Formality Deficiencies/Shortcomings, requiring the applicant to file a response within 02 months from the date of the Notice. If the response is satisfactory, a Notice of Formality Acceptance must be issued within 02 month after the filing date of the response (See Point 13.8b, Circular No. 01/2007/TT-BKHCN, as revised).  For a Notice of a third party’s opposition: The IP Vietnam issues a Notice of a third...

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Trademark Examination Principles newly adopted by IP Office of Vietnam as of December 2020

To be more compatible with the recent signed trade pacts, including European Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (“EVFTA”), the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (“CPTPP”), and most recently the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (“RCEP”) and the UK Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (“UKVFTA”), some new critical trademark examination principles/practices have been introduced/adopted by the IP Office of Vietnam (“IP Vietnam”). KENFOX IP & LAW OFFICE provides below several important takeaways....

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Differentiating “assignment” and “licensing”of industrial property rights in Vietnam

Transfer of industrial property rights in Vietnam comprises 02 forms: (1) Assignment of industrial property rights and; (2) Licensing of industrial property rights. How to differentiate the assignment and licensing of industrial property rights as statutorily provided in Vietnam? You may find the key differences between these two types of transfer of industrial property rights in the below table....

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Withdrawing an already claimed invalidation action in Vietnam

Withdrawing an invalidation request which has been filed with the Intellectual Property Office of Vietnam (“IP Vietnam”) is not expressly provided for in the Law on Intellectual Property of Vietnam 2005, revised in 2009 and 2019 (“Vietnam IP Law”) and its by-laws. As a matter of practice, the IP Vietnam has accepted withdrawal of invalidation requests, provided that (i) the withdrawal authority is explicitly formed in the Power of Attorney and (ii) the requester of invalidation action has rendered reasons for such withdrawal. Therefore, a request for invalidation action already filed with the IP Vietnam can be withdrawn. The Vietnam IP...

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