7 nội dung quan trọng được thông qua trong Luật sửa đổi, bổ sung Luật SHTT năm 2022
7 nội dung quan trọng được thông qua trong Luật sửa đổi, bổ sung Luật SHTT năm 2022...
Continue reading7 nội dung quan trọng được thông qua trong Luật sửa đổi, bổ sung Luật SHTT năm 2022...
Continue readingCPP according to WHO-format In case CPP doesn't mention that Manufacturer meets GMP-WHO, GMP-WHO certificate is required. If there are many manufacturers take part in the manufacturing process of finished product, GMP-WHO certificates of all manufacturers are required. CPP need to have: from 01/01/2022 with information: - Drug formulation: It is required to fully state the composition, concentration/content of each pharmaceutical substance, excipients. For soft capsules, hard capsules must have more information about the composition of the capsule shell. - Specification DP, DS, DS manufacturer's name and address - All manufacturers and role of each - Attachments need to certify...
Continue readingA brand can be construed to comprise a set of identifying and distinguishing signs, which is the image, perception, feeling, and conception that consumers and the general public have of a particular product and its owner (as well as other individuals, organizations, and locations) ...
Continue reading“The involved parties seeking to prove that their claims are grounded and lawful bears the burden of presenting evidence before the Court” summarizes not only the general principle, but also the core of the burden of proof. Only in few cases does the court verify and collect evidence. Essentially, the burden of proof in an intellectual property infringement litigation rests on the rights holder/plaintiff. ...
Continue readingNew regulations on administrative liability for exports that violate IPRs In July 2021, the Ministry of Science and Technology published for public consultation a draft decree (“Draft Decree”) amending certain provisions in Decree No. 99/2013/ND-CP (“Decree 99”) on the sanctioning of administrative violations in industrial property, under which it was proposed to sanction the export of industrial property infringement or counterfeit goods....
Continue readingQuy định mới về hành vi “sản xuất để xuất khẩu” bị xử phạt vi phạm hành chính Tháng 7/2021, Bộ Khoa học và Công nghệ đã ban hành dự thảo sửa đổi Nghị định 99/2013/NĐ-CP, theo đó, đề xuất bổ sung quy định xử phạt đối với hành vi xuất khẩu hàng hóa xâm phạm quyền đối với nhãn hiệu, chỉ dẫn địa lý, tên thương mại, kiểu dáng công nghiệp; hàng hóa giả mạo nhãn hiệu, chỉ dẫn địa lý; tem, nhãn, vật phẩm mang nhãn hiệu, chỉ dẫn địa lý giả mạo và hàng hóa, dịch vụ có...
Continue readingIPR infringements are becoming increasingly sophisticated, pervasive, and continuing to grow at an alarming rate in Vietnam, much like mushrooms growing after rain. Waiting for years for a trademark/ID to be granted protection in Vietnam is not an effective therapy. It will definitely expose you/your business to irreparable risks and damage. Meanwhile, in Vietnam, initiating anti-unfair competition proceedings requires a very heavy burden of proof. Therefore, at this current stage, a time-efficient and fast IPR protection strategy, in our opinion, should be: prioritizing all necessary resources for copyright registration in addition to the registration of trademark/ID (if applicable) as soon...
Continue readingSocial media platforms are teeming with fake news about the current coronavirus epidemic, causing a public outcry and affecting lives. Nguyen Vu Quan, senior associate at Vision Associates Co., Ltd., explained the penalties for users of social networks who are caught uploading or sharing false information....
Continue readingIPR infringements are becoming increasingly sophisticated, pervasive, and continuing to grow at an alarming rate in Vietnam, much like mushrooms growing after rain. Waiting for years for a trademark/ID to be granted protection in Vietnam is not an effective therapy. It will definitely expose you/your business to irreparable risks and damage. Meanwhile, in Vietnam, initiating anti-unfair competition proceedings requires a very heavy burden of proof. Therefore, at this current stage, a time-efficient and fast IPR protection strategy, in our opinion, should be: prioritizing all necessary resources for copyright registration in addition to the registration of trademark/ID (if applicable) as soon...
Continue readingXâm phạm quyền sở hữu trí tuệ trên môi trường số là một vấn đề nghiêm trọng ở Việt Nam, trong đó một số lượng lớn các trang thông tin điện tử giả mạo vi phạm tiếp tục hoạt động và phát triển phổ biến. Điều này xuất phát từ nhiều lý do khác nhau, thứ nhất là do thiếu các quy định pháp luật hoặc các quy định pháp luật hiện hành không hiệu quả, và thứ hai là việc thực thi yếu kém. ...
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