PCT Applications Designating or Selecting Vietnam: Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them?

Many patent applicants mistakenly believe that having their Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) applications formally accepted and published by WIPO guarantees the safety of patent protection in Vietnam. However, this is far from the truth. Numerous PCT applications designating or selecting protection in Vietnam have been met with preliminary rejection notices or even outright refusals from the Vietnam Intellectual Property Office (VNIPO). These legal setbacks stem from a failure to recognize potential rejection risks, non-compliance with Vietnamese IP laws, and inadequate strategies for rectifying errors....

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Novartis AG Triumphs in the Journey to Protect Vildagliptin Patent in Vietnam

Novartis AG, a leading global pharmaceutical corporation, holds the patent for the active ingredient “Vildagliptin”, a crucial component in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. In Vietnam, this groundbreaking invention is protected under Patent No. 5529. Soon after, counterfeit products emerged in the market, significantly cheaper than the genuine product, causing confusion among consumers. Novartis AG did not stand idly by. Extensive investigative efforts revealed the reality: Novartis AG’s patented product was being severely infringed upon in Vietnam....

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Filing Patent Infringement Lawsuits In Vietnam – What Businesses Stand To Learn?

Download At first glance, with a series of clear evidence such as the Assessment Conclusion of Vietnam Intellectual Property Research Institute (VIPRI) confirming patent infringement, the Inspection Conclusion of the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Science and Technology (IMOST) confirming the act of infringement, the products containing signs of patent infringement were also detained and recorded by IMOST, almost everyone would think that: The picture is clear as daylight, the infringement is obvious, undeniable, the defendant has no grounds to overturn the case. In such sense, it is best to accept defeat and conduct a negotiation with the patent holder to...

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Medical method inventions: What should be done to obtain patent protection in Vietnam?

In Vietnam, methods of preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases in humans and animals, known as “excluded medical methods”, are not eligible for patent protection under Article 59.7 of the Vietnam Intellectual Property Law. This regulation, established based on humanitarian policies, aims to facilitate access to advanced medical services for all societal classes, thereby improving public health by removing patent ownership barriers. However, it poses significant challenges for patent owners seeking to protect intellectual property rights for their medical method inventions. So, what are the excluded medical methods? How to identify these methods? And are there any available solutions for protecting...

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Patent refusal in Vietnam: Reasons & Suggestions for Applicants

Filing a patent application is a significant step towards protecting your intellectual property. However, the journey doesn't end with submission; patent applicants often encounter substantive office actions, crucial points where the patent office reviews the application in detail. Understanding these office actions is vital for a successful patent approval process. In Vietnam, the Intellectual Property Office of Vietnam (IP VIETNAM) handles these proceedings. This article aims to shed light on substantive office actions for patent applications in Vietnam and offer insights on how to navigate through them effectively....

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Patent Infringement in Vietnam: VIPRI’s Expert Analysis and Approach

Download The Vietnam Intellectual Property Research Institute (VIPRI) is a research institution under the Ministry of Science and Technology that provides expert opinions on IP infringement cases concerning industrial property subject matters such as inventions, industrial designs, designs of semi-conducting closed circuits, trade secrets, marks, trade names, and geographical indications. How does VIPRI reach an expert opinion that there is an infringing element to a patented invention? To reach an expert opinion that there is an infringing element to a patented invention, the Vietnam Intellectual Property Research Institute (VIPRI) typically employs a multi-step process. Here are some general steps that VIPRI may take: Reviewing the patent: VIPRI will...

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Co-owned Patent Disputes in Vietnam: What to Do?

Download A co-owned patent arises when two or more parties jointly create an invention and seek patent protection for it. How if an invention is created by two parties, but just one party is named as inventor and owner while the other is only named as “inventor”? Can it cause any legal consequences? What can the other inventor do in such a case if the inventor who filed the patent application does not reach an amicable agreement on a co-owned patent? In recent news, the Intellectual Property Offices of Vietnam (IP VIETNAM) have been dealing with a case regarding “the right...

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Provisional rights to patents and industrial designs in Vietnam – What you need to know?

Download Vietnam's emergence as a leading destination for innovation and investment has resulted in a significant increase in patent and industrial design filings. One of the most important features of the Vietnamese IP system is the availability of provisional rights to patents and industrial designs. Provisional rights can provide patent or design owners with significant benefits even before their applications are fully examined and granted. In this article, we will explore what provisional rights are, how they work, certain requirements and limitations to provisional rights, and what patent and industrial design owners need to know to maximize their benefits as well...

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ASPEC Programme – an avenue to expedite patent granting in Vietnam and other ASEAN countries

Download 1. What is ASEAN Patent Examination Co-operation (ASPEC) programme? The ASEAN Patent Examination Cooperation (ASPEC) program is a regional patent cooperation program in Southeast Asia that allows patent applicants to request accelerated patent examination in participating ASEAN member states (“AMS”). It aims to improve the efficiency and quality of patent examination among participating ASEAN member state's intellectual property Offices (“AMS IP Offices”) by sharing search and examination (S&E) results. Under the ASPEC program, patent applicants can submit a request for accelerated examination of a patent application in a participating AMS IP Office (“second IP Office”) based on a S&E reports issued by...

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