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When and to what extent can applicant amend the industrial design application in Laos ?

Download As provided in Article 42 of the Intellectual Property Law, at any time an application is pending with the Department but before DIP has granted an industrial design thereon, and before the abandonment, final rejection, or other termination of proceedings on the application, the applicant may amend/divide the application, provided that any such amendment/division shall not change the essential appearance of an industrial design, that is, within the disclosure in the initial application. An application may be divided into one or more divisional applications by filing one or more subsequent applications that make reference to the application being divided. The second...

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How is an industrial design application examined in Laos ?

Download An application for a deign patent filed with DIP shall be subject to 2 phases of examination, i.e., formality examination and substantive examination. Formality Examination and Publication  Within sixty (60) days since the date of receiving the application for an industrial design, DIP shall conduct a formality examination of the application regarding the completeness, accuracy and conformity with prescribed requirements. In case that the application is incomplete, incorrect, or not in accordance with the requirements set forth, DIP shall notify the applicant to provide documents or correct the application to meet the requirements within sixty (60) days from the date of notification. In case that the...

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Things to keep in mind when submitting a design application in Laos

Download  1. Is it possible to conduct an availability search for an industrial design in Laos before filing a design application in Laos? An applicant is able to submit its request with DIP to search for an industrial design that is in the database of DIP to identify whether such an industrial design subject to the search has already been registered or not, by identifying the classification of industrial design that needs to be searched, and by paying the relevant service charge. DIP, however, conducts the search based on its preliminary database only, and the search result does not mean that such an...

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Download  Copyright © 2023 KENFOX LEGAL BASIS Law on Intellectual Property No. 38/NA dated 15 November 2017; Decision on Industrial Design No. 35/MOST dated 20 January 2021. DEFINITION 1. What is an industrial design in Laos? The Law No. 38/LA on Intellectual Property (amended) dated 15 November 2017 (Lao IP Law) defines an industrial design as the form or shape of a product that needs to be created (including patterns, lines, colors, etc.). Specifically, an industrial design certificate protects a product’s special appearance which covers a pattern, a form, or an external feature of a novel product developed in Lao PDR, or elsewhere in the world, that...

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Patent Protection in Laos

I. LEGAL BASIS 1. Law No. 01/NA of December 20, 2011, on Intellectual Property (as amended) (2011) 2. Penal Law (2005) 3. Customs Law (2005) 4. Decree No. 01/PM of Prime Minister on Patent, Petty Patent and Industrial Designs (2002) 5. Regulation No. 22/STEA-PMO on the Implementation of Decree on Patent, Petty Patent and Industrial Designs (2003)   II. PATENT RELATED MATTERS IN LAOS   1. Definition of Patents and Petty Patents Patent means the official certificate issued by the state organization to protect inventions that they are new, involve an inventive step and are capable of industrial application; Invention means the technical solution to create new product or process of...

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Restoration of priority rights for patent applications in Vietnam – What you need to know

Download A Chinese patent with 12 months priority deadline passed, but the patent applicant still wants to patent his invention in Vietnam. Is it possible to request for a restoration of priority right in the international patent application and then enter into Vietnam under PCT route? 1. What is the “priority date” of a patent application? Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (Paris Convention) is an international treaty that provides, among other advantages, a right of priority among patent applications. Under the Paris Convention, on the basis of a regular first application filed in one of the member states, the applicant may, within a...

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5 questions to assess whether your product infringes patents in Vietnam

Download You are a patent holder who suspects that a competitor's product is being manufactured in violation of your patent rights. In a different context, you wish to bring a product to market but are unsure whether it infringes on a protected patent in Vietnam. Of course, regardless of what context, whether you are a patent owner or a manufacturer of an unpatented product, the simplest way to determine patent infringement is to file a patent infringement assessment with the Vietnam Intellectual Property Research Institute (or "VIPRI" for short). However, this assessment will cost a considerable amount of money, so it...

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 Important Notes on Patents and Petty patents in Laos

Download 1. What Patents & Petty Patents in Laos? In Laos, there exist two types of Patents, (i) Patents and (ii) Petty Patents. Patents are defined as the “official certificate from the state Organisation issued to protect inventions that are new, involve an inventive step, and are capable of industrial application”. Meanwhile, petty patents are defined as “the official certificates issued to protect utility innovations”. 2. Patentable Inventions and Utility Innovation In Laos To be patentable in Laos, an invention or utility innovation must meet 03 requirements, (i) novelty (new), (ii) inventive step and (iii) industrial applicability. Meanwhile, to be patented as a Petty...

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 What are the requirements for patent specification to be filed in Laos?

Download 1. Patent specification A patent specification must include 10 pieces of information as follows: Subject matter of invention or utility innovation Areas related to the invention or utility innovation; Background of the invention or utility innovation; Objective of the application of the invention or utility innovation; Brief summary of the invention or utility innovation; Detailed description of the invention or utility innovation as set forth in Article 17 herein; Rights claimed as set forth in Article 18 of this Decision; Abstract as set forth in Article 19 of Decision No. 1714/MOST; Drawings as set forth in Article 20 of Decision No....

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Post-Procedures of the Grant of Patent or Petty Patent Rights in Laos

Download 1. Recordal of patent holder’s name/address change in Laos In case the patent holder’s name/address has been changed, it is possible to request DIP to record such change. To this end, a Statutory Statement which must be notarized is required. DIP shall record all changes in the database, document the registration and publish in the official gazette for the registration of industrial property. 2. Duplicate (re-issuance or re-grant) of the Patent or Petit Patent The patent or petit patent owner can request DIP to issue a duplicate of their Patent or Petit Patent in two circumstances as follows: When the patent owner needs...

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