KENFOX IP & Law Office > Our Practice (Page 9)

How does a Certificate of Copyright Registration in Myanmar benefit you?

Download Copyright registration is not mandatory in Myanmar. The provisons about this non-obligatory registration of copyright can be found in Article 17, 46 and 54 of Myanmar's Copyright Law. In detai, Article 17 which provides the term of copyright states that the protection for economic rights and moral rights applies to literary or artistic works “whether or not they are registered” (regardless of registration status) under this Law. This indicates that copyright protection is automatic upon the creation of the work and does not require formal registration to come into effect. Article 46 to 54 of Myanmar's Copyright Law clarify on the...

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Registering a work for a foreign author and/or owner of copyright in Myanmar: What is the process?

Download Registering a work under Myanmar's Copyright Law for a foreign author or copyright owner involves a systematic process that aligns with the stipulations laid out in Articles 46 to 54. KENFOX would like to provide below a detailed guide for copyright authors/owners to successfully register their works in Myanmar. Step 1: Preparation (Articles 13, 15 & 16): •  Understand eligible works: Review the types of works that can be registered under Myanmar’s Copyright Law to ensure your work qualifies. This includes a wide range of literary and artistic works deemed to be original intellectual creations. •  Confirm copyright ownership: Ensure that your work...

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Rights of broadcasting organizations under Myanmar’s Copyright Law: What are they?

Download Article 40 establishes a comprehensive framework that recognizes the value and investment involved in broadcasting activities. By granting exclusive economic rights, Myanmar’s Copyright Law provides broadcasting organizations with necessary tools to control and monetize their content effectively. These rights are pivotal for the management, control, and commercial exploitation of their broadcasts. KENFOX would like to provide below analysis on the rights and protections afforded to broadcasting organizations and specific entities (e.g., cable TV companies), ensuring a comprehensive understanding and practical application of the laws, thereby maximizing the utilization of their legitimate rights. 1. Exclusive Economic Rights Per Article 40 (a),  a broadcasting...

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How can a foreign work be protected under copyright law of Myanmar?

Download Myanmar is not a member of the Berne Convention. Consequently, authors and/or owners of foreign works from Berne Convention countries do not automatically enjoy copyright protection in Myanmar. For foreign works to be protected in Myanmar, they must meet the conditions set out in Myanmar's Copyright Law 2019, as Myanmar's obligations to protect foreign works are defined solely by its own legislation and any treaties it has joined. Article 12 of Myanmar’s Copyright Law 2019 sets out conditions for national and international literary and artistic works, as well as performances, phonograms, and broadcasts. KENFOX would like to provide below the...

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Rights and Protections for Phonogram Producers Under Myanmar’s Copyright Law

Download A producer of a phonogram is entitled to the related rights as per Articles 39, 41, and 42. These articles grant producers exclusive economic rights, ensuring that producers can control and benefit from the use of their phonograms in various ways. The provisions also set forth provisions for equitable remuneration, limitations, and exceptions to these rights, marking a significant consideration for the music industry and related sectors. KENFOX would like to provide below analysis on the rights and protections afforded to producers of phonograms as well as performers, ensuring a comprehensive understanding and practical application of the laws, thereby maximizing...

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What Are Performers’ Economic and Moral Rights Under Myanmar’s Copyright Law?

Download Performers are granted the related rights, including “economic rights” and “moral rights” under Articles 37, 38, and 41 of Myanmar’s Copyright Law. These provisions cover a range of protections for performances, whether unfixed or fixed, live or recorded, ensuring performers are adequately compensated for their work and have a say in how their performances are used, reflecting a balance between protecting creators' rights and allowing for the dissemination and enjoyment of cultural works. Importantly, these regulations provides a legal framework that respects performers' contributions to cultural and creative industries, ensuring their performances are protected against unauthorized use that could undermine...

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10 Limitations and Exceptions of Economic Rights under Myanmar’s Copyright Law You Need To Know

Download The limitations and exceptions to the economic rights of copyright holders in Myanmar are provided under Articles 24 through 33 of Myanmar’s Copyright Law. These provisions ensure a balanced approach, allowing for certain uses of copyrighted works without the authorization of the right holder under specific circumstances, aiming to foster education, cultural exchange, and access to information while still protecting the interests of copyright owners. KENFOX provides below such limitations and exceptions to the economic rights so that copyright holders could take proper actions. 1. Personal use and fair use: Individuals are allowed under Article 24 to reproduce parts of published...

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What Penalties Face Those Who Infringe Copyright under Myanmar’s Copyright Law?

Download Illegal actions infringing on copyright and related rights, from unauthorized reproduction and distribution to the possession and importation of pirated goods, are subject to penalties under Articles 82-85 of Myanmar's Copyright Law. These articles establish a comprehensive legal framework for combating copyright infringement in Myanmar, offering penalties aimed at deterring violations and safeguarding the rights of copyright holders. KENFOX, with its extensive experience in pursuing civil actions against IPR infringement, would like to provide provide an overview of these offences and penalties to equip copyright holders with the essential knowledge and practical tools needed for robust protection of their intellectual...

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How to File a Lawsuit Against Copyright Infringement Under Myanmar’s Copyright Law?

Download Myanmar’s Copyright Law of 2019, particularly Articles 73 to 81, provides a detailed legal framework for copyright holders seeking to enforce their rights through the courts, ensuring fairness and justice in the enforcement of copyright and related rights. KENFOX, which has extensive experience in taking civil actions against IPR infringement, would like to provide the following 10-step process to equip copyright holders with essential knowledge and practical tools for a robust protection for their intellectual property rights in Myanmar IP court. Step 1: Filing a lawsuit •  Civil miscellaneous case: Right holders start the legal process by filing a civil miscellaneous case...

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Customs Recordal in Myanmar: What Copyright Owners Should Know?

Download A customs officer serves as a gatekeeper. Customs officers are essentially the first line of defense against the importation and distribution of pirated goods. Their ability to identify and suspend the clearance of goods that potentially infringe on copyright or related rights is a powerful tool in the legal remedy available to rights holders. The customs protection process for intellectual property rights at the border of Myanmar, as outlined in Articles 64 to 72 of Myanmar’s Copyright Law 2019, provides a systematic approach for rights holders to combat the importation of goods that infringe on copyright or related rights. KENFOX,...

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