KENFOX IP & Law Office > Our Practice (Page 6)

Exploring Pre-Release Leaks: What They Are and Why They Matter

The term "pre-release leaks" refers to unauthorized releases of music or other media before the official release date set by the publisher or artist. These leaks can occur through various channels and often involve digital files being made available online without permission. This allows consumers to access and distribute new music before it is officially released, often harming sales and disrupting marketing plans. Pre-release leaks are considered a serious issue within the music and entertainment industries, as they undermine the controlled release strategies meant to maximize media exposure and revenue....

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Evergreening Strategy: Extending Patent Protection, Innovation or Obstruction?

“Evergreening” in the context of intellectual property (IP), especially in the field of patents, refers to a strategy that companies often use to prolong their commercial exclusivity. This strategy is particularly common in the pharmaceutical industry, where companies secure patents for minor modifications, improvements, or new applications of existing products. Often, these patents are based not on entirely new technical solutions but rather on minor changes to previously protected products or processes. The purpose of these modifications is to extend patent exclusivity without the necessity to create a completely new product....

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5 Legal Secrets to Effectively Protect Utility Solutions That You Need to Know

Download Do you have a breakthrough idea or new technical solution in Vietnam and want to protect it without being encumbered by the strict requirements of conventional patent protection? Consider registering for protection in the form of “Utility Solutions”, which may be the ideal solution to protect your intellectual property (IP) rights. Registering technical innovations and improvements (solutions) for protection in the form of utility solutions offers a simple and quick method to safeguard intellectual property rights, without necessitating "inventiveness" - a prerequisite for patent protection. This distinction renders utility solutions an appealing option, particularly suitable for technical solutions that may not...

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Registering a Trademark in Bad Faith in Vietnam: How to Prove the Applicant’s Intentions and Motives

To prove that a trademark application was filed in “bad faith”, it must be shown not only that the applicant “knew” or “had a basis to know” about the mark of the legitimate trademark owner but also that the applicant had a specific intention or motive behind the registration. As per Article 34.2(b) of Circular 23/2023/TT-BKHCN, this second condition focuses on the motives and intentions of the applicant. What actions do these intentions and motives include? Is it easy to prove?...

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Bad Faith – The Secret to Proving Bad Faith and Regaining the Trademark in Vietnam

The filing of a trademark application is generally considered to be automatically made in good faith and creates exclusive rights for the owner. However, if the filing is intended to deprive the genuine trademark owner of the benefits of their existing mark and cause confusion for consumers, it will break the goals and basic principles of the law on intellectual property rights protection. Such trademark filing with the motive described above is considered to be in 'bad faith”....

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How to Establish That the Applicant “Knew” or “Had a Basis to Know” in Cases of Trademark Registration in Bad Faith?

Proving that the trademark registration applicant “knew” or “had a basis to know” about the trademark of legitimate trademark owners under Article 34.2 of Circular 23/2023/TT-BKHCN is not simple. Vietnam’s Intellectual Property Law does not establish specific regulations on documents that need to be provided for proof purposes. However, on the basis that trademark disputes registered in “bad faith” have been handled, KENFOX IP & Law Office provides an overview of necessary documents and evidence to help legitimate trademark owners prove that the applicant “knew” or “had a basis to know” about that trademark before filing an application for registration...

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Taking Advantage of the Reputation of the Legitimate Trademark Owner: How to Prove?

Proving that a third party has exploited the reputation of a trademark owner is never simple. It demands a comprehensive approach to gather and utilize evidence in disputes over trademark rights, particularly in instances where trademarks are registered with malicious intent (bad faith). KENFOX IP & Law Office offers the following step-by-step guidance to assist legitimate trademark owners in demonstrating that their trademark’s reputation has been exploited....

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3 Typical Copyright Infringement Cases Criminally Prosecuted in Vietnam

Download In recent years, Vietnam has emerged as a hotbed for copyright infringement, fueled by the rapid growth of websites and services that distribute pirated content. Sites like Phimmoi, Fmovies, AniWave, 123movies, BestBuyIPTV, and 2embed not only cause significant damage to the domestic creative market but also adversely affect the global industry. The popularity of these pirated movie sites stems from the substantial profits they generate. However, Vietnamese enforcement agencies have made significant efforts in law enforcement to address copyright infringement cases, especially in the field of digital content and online distribution. KENFOX IP & Law Office highlights three typical cases of...

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Filing Patent Infringement Lawsuits In Vietnam – What Businesses Stand To Learn?

Download At first glance, with a series of clear evidence such as the Assessment Conclusion of Vietnam Intellectual Property Research Institute (VIPRI) confirming patent infringement, the Inspection Conclusion of the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Science and Technology (IMOST) confirming the act of infringement, the products containing signs of patent infringement were also detained and recorded by IMOST, almost everyone would think that: The picture is clear as daylight, the infringement is obvious, undeniable, the defendant has no grounds to overturn the case. In such sense, it is best to accept defeat and conduct a negotiation with the patent holder to...

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The Drastic RP7 Anti-counterfeit Campaign: How to Effectively Handle Intellectual Property Rights Infringements in Vietnam

Download The production, trade, and distribution of counterfeit goods are becoming increasingly complex, occurring quite blatantly and openly. Those who produce and distribute counterfeit goods demonstrate audacity by violating intellectual property rights and disregarding the law. Rather than concealing their activities, they now operate with such confidence that they use simple and easily recognizable methods to transport fake products. 1. The widespread counterfeiting of RP7 branded products Case 1: Recently, on April 23, 2024, police in District 11 of Ho Chi Minh City temporarily detained Tr.H.Th. (born in 2001 and residing in Tan Binh district, Ho Chi Minh City) for his involvement in...

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