KENFOX IP & Law Office > Notable Articles (Page 13)

Handling IPR infringement under criminal route in Vietnam: Key takeaways

[vc_row triangle_shape="no"][vc_column][vc_column_text]  Download Counterfeiting is one of the most lucrative and expansive illicit industries in the world. Counterfeiters are becoming more sophisticated in their methods and practices, as well as in their use of counterfeiting technology to produce counterfeit products that are easier to pass off as genuine products to Vietnamese consumers. In Vietnam, criminal sanctions are available for counterfeiting offenses, including those related to intellectual property rights (IPR) infringements. However, in practice, these sanctions are rarely imposed. Nevertheless, a recent criminal case involving counterfeit goods is an applaudable effort by Vietnamese enforcement authorities to impose deterrence effects in curbing IPR infringement....

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Trademark Registration in Vietnam: What You Need to Know

Download Registering a trademark in Vietnam is a crucial step for any business or individual seeking to protect their brand and prevent unauthorized use by others. However, the process of registering a trademark can be complex and involves various steps that must be carefully followed. In order to successfully register a trademark in Vietnam, it is important to understand the availability searches, required documents for filing, the trademark examiner's steps and practices, how to respond to an office action, and the current protection of unconventional trademarks such as sound and smell marks. Additionally, understanding the implications of disclaimers in the trademark...

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Interim guidance for handling IP-related applications under the Amended IP Law 2022

Download The Amended Intellectual Property Law 2022 (“Amended IP Law 2022” or “the prevailing law”) has been in effect since 1 January 2023, offering the expected benefits of of comprehensiveness and harmonization. This Amended IP Law 2022 promises to be a helpful tool for IPR holders and practitioners, with more than 100 amended and added articles covering a wide range of IP subject matters, including inventions, designs, trademarks and copyrights. As a matter of principle, following the amendments made to a law in Vietnam, pertinent sub-law documents such as government decrees and ministerial circulars need to be amended or replaced in...

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Trademark squatting – a concerning trend for the business owners in Vietnam

Download The loss of a trademark can result in a loss of market access. Genuine products produced by the rightful trademark owner may turn out to be “counterfeits” if the trademark falls into the hands of a competitor. Furthermore, trademark speculators (squatters) also exploit registered trademarks as a legal tool to undermine the true trademark owner. The following case serves as a typical example, highlighting the ongoing relevance and practical value, while also emphasizing the costly lesson for all business entities in Vietnam. Intellectual property theft and brand infringement are becoming increasingly sophisticated and complex. Background HWASUNG is a trade name and trademark...

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Customs recordal for IPR protection in Laos – What you must know?

Download 1.Overview Customs recordal, also known as customs registration or customs watch or customs supervision, is a procedure that allows trademark owners to request customs authorities to monitor imports bearing infringing or counterfeit trademarks to be imported into a country. Customs recordal aims to prevent the entry of counterfeit goods into the market and protect the trademark owner's rights. Customs recordal in Laos can be an effective tool for trademark owners to detect and prevent the importation of trademarked counterfeit goods. However, it is not explicitly provided under the Laos laws on whether infringing goods for export are subject to any penalties imposed...

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Cease & Desist Letter in IPR Dispute and Infringement handling in Vietnam – What should be noted?

Cease & Desist Letter - KENFOX

Download Cease & Desist Letter (C&D Letter) on infringement of intellectual property rights (IPR) is considered a "soft" measure that is flexibly used by various rights holders to cope with alleged IPR infringements. In some cases, sending a C&D Letter instead of requesting intervention from the Vietnamese enforcement authorities seems to be effective as the infringement is immediately terminated. But all this may still be just the top of the iceberg. Sending a C&D Letter to the alleged infringer can sometimes put the right holder into unforeseen difficulties. From the perspective of the party that is alleged to be infringing on...

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Patent registration in Laos – 6 critical considerations

Chinese Download Introduction Recently, the Department of Intellectual Property of Laos (DIP) granted the patent application titled "Printing apparatus and method thereof" filed by the Thai patent holder under the advice and representation of KENFOX IP & Law Office, with the following details: Patent: Application date: Application No.: Registration: Holder: Address: Printing device and method thereof February 5, 2016 23 August 1, 2022 MR. SUWATCHAI PROMBUT 36 Soi Nakniwat 21 Yak 2-1, Nakniwat Road, Ladprao, Ladprao, Bangkok, Thailand. Six critical considerations when registering a patent in Laos 1. Rights and interests for patent owners in Laos A monopoly granted by a patent is a territorial right, which means that an invention is only protected inside the territory of...

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How to file a complaint about intellectual property rights infringement on Shopee and Lazada in Vietnam?

[vc_row triangle_shape="no"][vc_column][vc_column_text]Download After the slowdown of the Covid-19 pandemic, digital sales and purchase activities still continues to experience robust growth. Now, consumers are accustomed to purchasing their favorite things without visiting shopping centers or storefronts. E-commerce websites or platforms serve as a bridge between buyers and sellers, connecting them and addressing all of their needs. When the anti-IPR infringement mechanism on e-commerce platforms/websites is still weak, the explosion of transactions on e-commerce platforms/websites is also posing challenges for intellectual property rights holders. Meanwhile, the fact that so many online sales accounts and adverts have been formed makes it impossible for consumers...

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Pre-filing trademark search in Vietnam – A small but significant step!

Download Numerous business owners believe that the brand or logo they created is original and unique, hence it is unquestionably possible to register/protect. Applying to register a trademark application in a hurry is a common mistake made by many Vietnamese businesses. Occasionally, the price they pay for their hurry is not inexpensive. If you risk using your trademark without determining if it is comparable to or in conflict with the marks of other companies or individuals, you run the danger of becoming embroiled in a dispute or being forced to become engaged in one. 1. Why is it important to conduct an...

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