KENFOX IP & Law Office > Notable Articles (Page 13)

Improper use of registered trademarks in Vietnam – Risks & Solutions?

Not a few trademark owners think that the most critical aspect of their trademark is that it is registered. Therefore, making some changes to the mark will no adverse effect or risk of infringing another’s mark or resulting in the cancellation of the registered trademark. The truth is that this is not the case. The three examples below illustrate the risks that trademark owners face when they use a mark that deviates from the registered trademark....

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Quyền tác giả: Công cụ hữu hiệu để ngăn chặn xâm phạm sở hữu trí tuệ tại Việt Nam

Tài sản trí tuệ của các doanh nghiệp có danh tiếng, uy tín luôn là mục tiêu của nạn bắt chước, sao chép, làm giả. Doanh nghiệp càng có uy tín, danh tiếng, càng dễ bị tổn thương bởi những kẻ kinh doanh bất chính. Nhái kiểu dáng bao bì hàng hoá của các doanh nghệp có uy tín, danh tiếng để trục lợi đang có khuynh hướng gia tăng và thay đổi ngày càng tinh vi. Trong bối cảnh đó, quyền tác giả - công cụ hữu hiệu để chống vi phạm sở hữu trí tuệ....

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A trademark-based domain name dispute heard by Court in Vietnam. What should foreign businesses know?

For acts infringing upon industrial property rights on the Internet, the Bailiff’s Witness document is critical in recording the infringement evidence which is normally accepted by the court. A Title of Evidence (or Bailiff’s Witness document) is a document which records evidentiary facts. It may be placed before the court to support a party’s argument or it may be used to demonstrate that a transaction has been lawfully carried out. It may also be used as evidence of the existence of a legal relationship. In general, the subject matter of a Title of Evidence (or Bailiff’s Witness document) may be...

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Overcoming Relative Ground Refusal Against International Registration Designating Cambodia

The Madrid system of international registration is governed by two treaties: (i) the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks, which dates from 1891, and (ii) the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement, which was adopted in 1989, entered into force on 01 December 1995, and came into operation on 01 April 1996. Cambodia is party only to the Protocol, not to the Agreement. The Madrid Protocol became effective in Cambodia on 05 June 2015. ...

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Overcoming trademark refusal in Vietnam arising from multiple grounds of rejection, difficult but not impossible

It is no doubt very difficult to overcome a refusal against a trademark which arises from conflicts with earlier mark(s), especially when more than one grounds of rejection are raised. How to overcome multiple grounds of rejection against an applied-for trademark requires in-depth knowledge, expertise and experience from IP practitioners. ...

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Copyright – a powerful and effective tool to repress trademark and industrial design infringements in Vietnam

Intellectual property of reputable and well-known businesses is perpetually the target of imitation, copying and counterfeiting. The greater the businesses’ prestige and goodwill, the more vulnerable it is to illegal business people. As soon as the designs and logos for a reputable and well-known business's product line are introduced to the market, products with similar or even identical designs, patterns, and logos appear immediately. Hereunder are some examples....

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Copyright – a powerful and effective tool to repress trademark and industrial design infringements in Vietnam

The Intellectual property of reputable and well-known businesses is perpetually the target of imitation, copying and counterfeiting. Practice indicates that enforcing trademark and industrial design rights in Vietnam presents numerous challenges, exacerbated by the length of time required to examine trademark industrial design applications in Vietnam. The actual examination time for a trademark application can range between 16-18 months, or even several years, if the trademark is opposed by a third party or is refused by the Intellectual Property Office of Vietnam. The prolonged time for trademark industrial design examination in Vietnam contributes significantly to the aforementioned situation, and at the...

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Proper brand protection strategy: urgent requirement for enterprises

A proper brand protection strategy is a compulsory requirement for Vietnamese companies to survive and develop their products in the context of domestic brand names being registered by overseas competitors. Nguyen Vu Quan, trademark and copyright manager at KENFOX IP & Law Office, writes about the needs for domestic firms to register their brand names internationally....

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Invalidating a bad-faith trademark registration in Vietnam

Bad-faith trademark registration is largely seen in Vietnam nowadays, especially since foreign investors are shifting production from China to Vietnam following the recent US-China trade war. Trademarks in Vietnam are generally awarded on a “first-to-file” basis, as opposed to a "first-to-use" system, resulting in floods of trademark applications, many of which imitate or mimic foreign reputable brands that have yet to expand into the Vietnamese market. Invalidating a trademark registered in bad faith in Vietnam is not always easy, as the country's IP Law does not define or contain specific provisions on bad faith. However, Snap Inc., a US-based company,...

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Quyền tác giả – vũ khí công hiệu trong ngăn chặn xâm phạm nhãn hiệu và kiểu dáng công nghiệp tại Việt Nam

Trong nhiều trường hợp, một logo có thể đáp ứng tiêu chuẩn để được bảo hộ dưới dạng Nhãn hiệu và/hoặc Quyền tác giả, trong khi đó, một bao bì sản phẩm có thể cùng lúc đáp ứng tiêu chuẩn để được đồng thời bảo hộ dưới cả 3 đối tượng Sở hữu Trí tuệ (SHTT): Nhãn hiệu, Kiểu Dáng Công Nghiệp (KDCN) và Quyền tác giả. Nhiều chủ thể quyền lựa chọn đăng ký Nhãn hiệu và KDCN vì cho rằng thực thi chống xâm phạm dựa trên quyền Nhãn hiệu và KDCN sẽ mạnh hơn và hiệu quả...

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