KENFOX IP & Law Office > Notable Articles (Page 8)

Trademark Oppositions In Vietnam: What Grounds And How To Effectively Apply?

Download Intellectual property rights (IPR) holders never want their competitors to register a mark closely resembling their own marks. This is to mitigate legal risks, particularly in preventing confusion among consumers and deterring unauthorized trademark use or free riding on their goodwill associated with their mark. To mitigate these risks and safeguard the value of their brands and intellectual property in Vietnam, intellectual property rights holders must clearly understand the legal grounds for exercising the right to ”oppose” a trademark or to provide 'third-party observation”, as outlined in Articles 112 and 112a of the amended 2022 IP Law. What legal grounds justify...

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Investing in Vietnam: What Should Chinese Investors Consider?

The investment landscape of China in Vietnam is currently experiencing many positive changes. As of April 2023, investment from China has seen a nearly 70% increase compared to the previous year. Chinese investment is diversifying across various provinces and cities in Vietnam, reaching from the North to the South, and extending from strategically important provinces to major industrial zones. This diversification is enhancing local economic development. Such expansive investment efforts position China as a leading source of foreign investment in Vietnam, even surpassing traditional investors like Korea, Japan, and Singapore. Furthermore, Chinese investment in Vietnam mirrors the broader trend of...

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Protection of Plant Breeder’s rights in Laos: What You Need To Know

Download In Laos, farming (agriculture) is very important for both the people's way of life and the country's economy. Because of this, protecting the rights of people who create new types of plants (i.e., plant breeder's rights) is becoming a very important issue. The Law on Intellectual Property (Amended) No. 38/NA, which came into force on June 8, 2018, marks a significant step forward in recognizing and safeguarding the intellectual efforts of those who bring new plant varieties to life. But what does this mean for the breeders, the agricultural sector, and the biodiversity of Laos? KENFOX IP & Law Office...

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Should you abandon a trademark application temporarily refused registration in Vietnam?

Not a few trademark applications in Vietnam, whether directly submitted to the Intellectual Property Office of Vietnam (IP VIETNAM) or designated through the Madrid system, are temporarily refused for registration. The situation will be more challenging and daunting in case such a temporarily refused trademark has been commercialized in Vietnam for several years. The temporary refusal of their trademark application raises a critical and complex question: whether to continue the pursuit of registration or to consider abandoning the application?...

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Proving Originality Of An Applied-Art Work Or A Logo: Why Is It Challenging and What To Do?

When opposing or requesting the invalidation of a third party's trademark registration on the grounds that the trademark is a copy or contains a copy of a work protected by rights under Article 73.7 of the Intellectual Property Law (IP Law), or requesting administrative handling copyright infringement, you may face a counter-statement that your logo lacks “originality” - one critical requirement to enable your logo to qualify copyright protection. Such claims can include arguments that your logo is composed of common, generic, or widely used elements that do not meet the threshold of originality – it lacks distinctiveness, meaning it...

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10 Limitations and Exceptions of Economic Rights under Myanmar’s Copyright Law You Need To Know

Download The limitations and exceptions to the economic rights of copyright holders in Myanmar are provided under Articles 24 through 33 of Myanmar’s Copyright Law. These provisions ensure a balanced approach, allowing for certain uses of copyrighted works without the authorization of the right holder under specific circumstances, aiming to foster education, cultural exchange, and access to information while still protecting the interests of copyright owners. KENFOX provides below such limitations and exceptions to the economic rights so that copyright holders could take proper actions. 1. Personal use and fair use: Individuals are allowed under Article 24 to reproduce parts of published...

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Myanmar’s Copyright Law 2019 – What is it provided for?

Download  Myanmar's Copyright Law, enacted as The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No. 15, 2019, comprises 24 chapters, each addressing various aspects of copyright and related rights protection, administration, enforcement, and penalties. KENFOX would like to provide below some basic details of the law with a hope that they will help IPR holders understand about the key provisions and mechanisms thereof and how to effectively manage, protect, and enforce their copyright and related rights in Myanmar. Chapter I - Title, enforcement, and definitions (including 02 articles, Articles 1-2) Establishes the law's title, its effective date, and provides definitions for terms (e.g., "author," "copyright," "intellectual property...

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Industrial Design Registration in Cambodia: How to Overcome Refusal for Successful Protection

[vc_row triangle_shape="no"][vc_column][vc_column_text] Download Today's product appeal is not limited to quality issues. A product with good quality, but the design is not beautiful or sophisticated, is no longer the top priority choice of consumers. Gone are the days when consumers only preferred something that was sturdy, durable, or had better wood than good paint. High quality, but without creativity in design, the product will be less attractive, losing its advantage over a sea of similar offerings. Uniqueness and novelty in design are the keys to helping products stand out, strengthening their position and increasing profits for businesses in the market. Creating a product...

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How to effectively handle conflicts between trademarks and copyrights in Vietnam as per Article 73.7 of Vietnam IP Law?

Download Conflicts between trademarks and copyrights are widespread in many jurisdictions throughout the world and are becoming an issue in Vietnam. There has been an increase in instances of intellectual property theft (copying of copyrighted works) for trademark registration. It is no longer a rare occurrence for trademark squatters to register the logo or work of applied art of a particular individual as their own trademark. Many IPR holders have been forced to sit at the negotiating table with trademark squatters to negotiate and accept to buy back their trademarks at exorbitant fees. The struggle between protecting creativity and combating the...

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Deferring Public Announcements in Industrial Design Application in Myanmar

Download The strategic aspect of deferring public announcements plays a pivotal role in the realm of industrial design application in Myanmar. Understanding this practice is essential for design creators seeking to navigate the landscape of design protection with precision. This guide unveils the intricate facets of deferring public announcements, allowing applicants to strategically manage the dissemination of information about their industrial designs. 1. Deferring Public Announcements: A Tactical Approach An applicant embarking on the journey of industrial design registration holds the power to influence the timing of public announcements. By invoking Section 3s6 of the industrial design framework, an applicant can formally request...

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