KENFOX IP & Law Office > Notable Articles (Page 6)

What To Do if Your Trademark has been Stolen in Vietnam?

The “first to file” principle has been abused by bad faith trademark applicants as a sophisticated tool for “trademark squatting” and “misappropriation of trademark rights” from legitimate owners in Vietnam. Trademark squatting or intellectual property (IP) theft from foreign businesses has become a troubling and dangerous trend in Vietnam. Increasingly, trademark owners are expressing frustration upon discovering that their trademark has been filed or even successfully registered by others in Vietnam. In many cases, after successfully registering a competitor’s trademark, the trademark speculator has used that same trademark as a “weapon” to initiate legal actions and request Vietnamese enforcement authorities...

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Handling intellectual property rights infringement in Vietnam: Which measures are effective?

Protecting intellectual property rights (IPR) involves the use of legal measures by state agencies and IPR holders to protect the ownership of their IP objects, prevent any infringement to ensure the integrity of these assets. Protecting IPRs entails not only preventing actual acts of infringement but also addressing and resolving infringements in order to cease the infringement and seek compensation for damages incurred....

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Stream-Ripping: Vietnam and the Battle Against Online Content Piracy

Did you know that every time you download music or videos from YouTube using unofficial tools, you are participating in potential copyright infringement? This behavior, which extends from music to videos to TV shows downloaded without the copyright owner’s permission, not only violates the law but also seriously affects the revenue and creativity of artists. Known as “Stream ripping”, this practice of copying online content is not only popular in Vietnam but is also considered one of the biggest challenges facing the global entertainment industry. The negative impacts of online content piracy on artists and content creators can be severe...

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Evergreening Strategy: Extending Patent Protection, Innovation or Obstruction?

“Evergreening” in the context of intellectual property (IP), especially in the field of patents, refers to a strategy that companies often use to prolong their commercial exclusivity. This strategy is particularly common in the pharmaceutical industry, where companies secure patents for minor modifications, improvements, or new applications of existing products. Often, these patents are based not on entirely new technical solutions but rather on minor changes to previously protected products or processes. The purpose of these modifications is to extend patent exclusivity without the necessity to create a completely new product....

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5 Legal Secrets to Effectively Protect Utility Solutions That You Need to Know

Download Do you have a breakthrough idea or new technical solution in Vietnam and want to protect it without being encumbered by the strict requirements of conventional patent protection? Consider registering for protection in the form of “Utility Solutions”, which may be the ideal solution to protect your intellectual property (IP) rights. Registering technical innovations and improvements (solutions) for protection in the form of utility solutions offers a simple and quick method to safeguard intellectual property rights, without necessitating "inventiveness" - a prerequisite for patent protection. This distinction renders utility solutions an appealing option, particularly suitable for technical solutions that may not...

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Registering a Trademark in Bad Faith in Vietnam: How to Prove the Applicant’s Intentions and Motives

To prove that a trademark application was filed in “bad faith”, it must be shown not only that the applicant “knew” or “had a basis to know” about the mark of the legitimate trademark owner but also that the applicant had a specific intention or motive behind the registration. As per Article 34.2(b) of Circular 23/2023/TT-BKHCN, this second condition focuses on the motives and intentions of the applicant. What actions do these intentions and motives include? Is it easy to prove?...

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Bad Faith – The Secret to Proving Bad Faith and Regaining the Trademark in Vietnam

The filing of a trademark application is generally considered to be automatically made in good faith and creates exclusive rights for the owner. However, if the filing is intended to deprive the genuine trademark owner of the benefits of their existing mark and cause confusion for consumers, it will break the goals and basic principles of the law on intellectual property rights protection. Such trademark filing with the motive described above is considered to be in 'bad faith”....

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How to Establish That the Applicant “Knew” or “Had a Basis to Know” in Cases of Trademark Registration in Bad Faith?

Proving that the trademark registration applicant “knew” or “had a basis to know” about the trademark of legitimate trademark owners under Article 34.2 of Circular 23/2023/TT-BKHCN is not simple. Vietnam’s Intellectual Property Law does not establish specific regulations on documents that need to be provided for proof purposes. However, on the basis that trademark disputes registered in “bad faith” have been handled, KENFOX IP & Law Office provides an overview of necessary documents and evidence to help legitimate trademark owners prove that the applicant “knew” or “had a basis to know” about that trademark before filing an application for registration...

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Taking Advantage of the Reputation of the Legitimate Trademark Owner: How to Prove?

Proving that a third party has exploited the reputation of a trademark owner is never simple. It demands a comprehensive approach to gather and utilize evidence in disputes over trademark rights, particularly in instances where trademarks are registered with malicious intent (bad faith). KENFOX IP & Law Office offers the following step-by-step guidance to assist legitimate trademark owners in demonstrating that their trademark’s reputation has been exploited....

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3 Typical Copyright Infringement Cases Criminally Prosecuted in Vietnam

Download In recent years, Vietnam has emerged as a hotbed for copyright infringement, fueled by the rapid growth of websites and services that distribute pirated content. Sites like Phimmoi, Fmovies, AniWave, 123movies, BestBuyIPTV, and 2embed not only cause significant damage to the domestic creative market but also adversely affect the global industry. The popularity of these pirated movie sites stems from the substantial profits they generate. However, Vietnamese enforcement agencies have made significant efforts in law enforcement to address copyright infringement cases, especially in the field of digital content and online distribution. KENFOX IP & Law Office highlights three typical cases of...

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