KENFOX IP & Law Office > Our Practice  > Vietnam (Page 5)

Law vs. Reality: The Hurdles of Pursuing Damages in Vietnamese Copyright Infringement Cases

Download The transfer price of intellectual property (IP) rights is one of the legal bases specified in Article 205.1(b) of the Vietnam IP Law to determine compensation claims in IP disputes. However, in a recent notable IP infringement case, both levels of court - first instance and appellate court - simultaneously rejected a claim for compensation based on the "transfer price" of IP rights. The case not only sparked endless debates about the complexity of the legal process, but also highlighted a significant challenge in determining the basis and method for Courts to assess and award compensation in IP disputes. Why is...

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How Does Vietnam’s IP Law Need To Provide For AI Generated Works?

Download In the rapidly evolving digital age, the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and creative processes presents a unique challenge to traditional notions of copyright. As AI advances with increasingly sophisticated capabilities, it has become a critical component in generating diverse forms of content. In this context, a series of questions arise, requiring deep consideration as to whether works created by AI are eligible for copyright protection. Lawmakers and law enforcement agencies are faced with the necessary task of considering a series of aspects: from determining the originality and copyright status of such works, to the extent of creative input from...

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Trademarks and trade names: What lessons can be learned from the recent pharmaceutical trademark lawsuit in Vietnam?

Download The nearly 4-year-long lawsuit between LC Pharmaceutical Company, a client of KENFOX, and Ms. LKL, the owner of the "LC" brand, reached its conclusion on December 20, 2023. The People's Court of Ho Chi Minh City delivered its verdict, dismissing all of Ms. LKL's claims. This decision marks not only a triumph for LC Pharmaceutical Company but also signifies a turning point in the fight against trademark squatting in Vietnam, shedding light on the complicated aspects of both intellectual property and pharmaceutical laws. The path to seek justice and fight against trademark squatting in Vietnam has never been simple. In...

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Takedown Notices: How Do ISPs Handle Copyright Infringement Claims in Vietnam?

Download The landscape of intellectual property rights in Vietnam underwent a significant transformation with the third revision of the Intellectual Property Law in 2022. Among the notable provisions, Article 198b introduced a groundbreaking regulation holding Intermediary Service Providers (ISPs) legally responsible for copyright and related rights infringements by their platform users. Subsequently, on April 26, 2023, the Vietnamese government issued Decree No. 17/2023/NĐ-CP, providing detailed measures to implement the Intellectual Property Law regarding copyright and related rights. 1. Responsibilities of Intermediary Service Providers Upon receiving a removal or blocking request, often in the form of a Cease & Desist Letter, from a copyright...

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How Did Philipp Plein Appeal a Decision on Trademark Refusal in Vietnam?

Download Article 74.2 (e) of Law on IP stipulates that: “2. A mark shall be deemed to be indistinctive if it is a sign falling into one of the following categories: (e) Signs other than integrated marks which are identical with or confusingly similar to registered marks of identical or similar goods or services on the basis of applications for registration with earlier filing dates or priority dates, as applicable, including applications for registration of marks filed pursuant to a treaty of which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a member“. In order to assess the similarity of marks at issue, it is...

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Patent refusal in Vietnam: Reasons & Suggestions for Applicants

Filing a patent application is a significant step towards protecting your intellectual property. However, the journey doesn't end with submission; patent applicants often encounter substantive office actions, crucial points where the patent office reviews the application in detail. Understanding these office actions is vital for a successful patent approval process. In Vietnam, the Intellectual Property Office of Vietnam (IP VIETNAM) handles these proceedings. This article aims to shed light on substantive office actions for patent applications in Vietnam and offer insights on how to navigate through them effectively....

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Fighting Counterfeits And Trademark Squatting In Vietnam: A perspective from Foellie case

[vc_row triangle_shape="no"][vc_column][vc_column_text] Download In the 2022 statistics recently published by the Ministry of Planning and Investment of Vietnam, it was revealed that Korea stands as Vietnam's leading foreign investor. With an impressive investment of over 80 billion USD and nearly 9,500 registered projects, Korea's substantial contribution demonstrates remarkable confidence in the Vietnamese market. However, this trust is currently under threat due to a concerning trend: the increasing prevalence of counterfeit products and brand speculation. To cope with these pressing issues, Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA) – held a seminar titled “Current Situation and Solutions for Identifying Counterfeit Goods and Intellectual Property Violations from...

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Patent Infringement in Vietnam: VIPRI’s Expert Analysis and Approach

Download The Vietnam Intellectual Property Research Institute (VIPRI) is a research institution under the Ministry of Science and Technology that provides expert opinions on IP infringement cases concerning industrial property subject matters such as inventions, industrial designs, designs of semi-conducting closed circuits, trade secrets, marks, trade names, and geographical indications. How does VIPRI reach an expert opinion that there is an infringing element to a patented invention? To reach an expert opinion that there is an infringing element to a patented invention, the Vietnam Intellectual Property Research Institute (VIPRI) typically employs a multi-step process. Here are some general steps that VIPRI may take: Reviewing the patent: VIPRI will...

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What Are Key Considerations For International Trademark Registrations Designating Vietnam?

Download Over 9,000 international trademark applications designating Vietnam were filed annually from 2020-2022 has partly reflected the convenience and efficiency of the Madrid system in assisting IPR holders to secure protection for their brands in Vietnam. The Madrid System offers efficiency, cost savings, and a simplified approach to international trademark registration. These advantages make it an increasingly preferred option for businesses seeking to protect their brands in multiple countries, including Vietnam, as it streamlines the process and provides a cost-effective means of securing global trademark rights. Detailed regulations governing the processes and requirements for international trademark applications designated to Vietnam are meticulously...

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10 Key Points from Vietnam’s New IP Decree No. 65/2023/ND-CP

Download In line with new regulations under the amended 2022 Intellectual Property Law (IP Law), on August 23, 2023, the Government issued Decree No. 65/2023/ND-CP (Decree) to detailing a number of articles and measures to implement the IP Law on industrial property, protection of industrial property rights, rights to plant varieties and state management of intellectual property. This Decree supersede Decree No. 103/2006/ND-CP and some parts of Decree No. 105/2006/ND-CP as amended and supplemented. KENFOX would like to provides 10 salient aspects of the Decree, shedding light on the changes and new mechanisms so that industrial property rights holders should grasp and...

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