Title: Senior Associate
Tel.: (84)2437245656
Fax.: (84)2437245885
E-mail: info@kenfoxlaw.com
Areas of Practice: 专利,工业设计
ViewTitle: 伙伴
Tel.: (84)2437245656
Fax.: (84)2437245885
E-mail: info@kenfoxlaw.com
Areas of Practice: 知识产权, 雇佣和劳动, 人力资源
ViewTitle: 伙伴
Tel.: (84)2437245656
Fax.: (84)2437245885
E-mail: info@kenfoxlaw.com
Areas of Practice: 商标, 版权, 知识产权交易, 版权执行
ViewTitle: 特别顾问
Tel.: +(84)2437245656
Fax.: +(84)2437245885
E-mail: info@kenfoxlaw.com
Areas of Practice: 专利、工业设计、商标、版权
ViewTitle: 伙伴
Tel.: (84)2437245656
Fax.: (84)2437245885
E-mail: info@kenfoxlaw.com
Areas of Practice: 商标, 工业设计