KENFOX IP & Law Office > Uncategorized  > 商标  > 处理越南商标侵权:8 个关键注意事项

处理越南商标侵权:8 个关键注意事项

即使拥有注册商标和来自越南知识产权研究院 (VIPRI) 的有利意见,也不能保证在商标侵权案件中胜诉。越南的知识产权纠纷正变得越来越复杂和难以预测,这意味着即使胜算看似对您有利,也始终存在败诉的风险。

Even with a registered trademark and a favorable opinion from the Vietnam Intellectual Property Research Institute (VIPRI), winning a trademark infringement case is not guaranteed. IP disputes in Vietnam are becoming increasingly sophisticated and unpredictable, meaning there’s always a risk of failure, even when the odds seem in your favor.


To navigate this complexity, it’s essential to develop a comprehensive IP protection and enforcement strategy that considers all potential risks. This approach helps minimize legal exposure and improves your chances of successfully combating IP infringement.

凭借 15 年处理复杂知识产权案件的经验,KENFOX IP & Law Office 能够提供有价值的分析和见解,帮助权利人从法律和实践角度准确评估问题。这使客户能够做出明智、及时的决策,以便采取有效的执法和反侵权措施。

With 15 years of experience handling complex IP cases, KENFOX IP & Law Office offers valuable analysis and insights, helping rights holders accurately assess issues from both legal and practical perspectives. This enables clients to make informed, timely decisions for effective enforcement and anti-infringement measures.

Even with a registered trademark and a favorable opinion from the Vietnam Intellectual Property Research Institute (VIPRI), winning a trademark infringement case is not guaranteed. IP disputes in Vietnam are becoming increasingly sophisticated and unpredictable, meaning there's always a risk of failure, even when the odds seem in your favor. To navigate this complexity, it's essential to develop a comprehensive IP protection and enforcement strategy that considers all potential risks. This approach helps minimize legal exposure and improves your chances of successfully combating IP infringement. With 15 years of experience handling complex IP cases, KENFOX IP & Law Office offers valuable analysis and insights, helping rights holders accurately assess issues from both legal and practical perspectives. This enables clients to make informed, timely decisions for effective enforcement and anti-infringement measures.

1. 如何确定商标保护范围 – Determining the Scope of Trademark Protection


The “scope of trademark protection” defines the boundaries within which a trademark is legally protected. Trademark protection applies only to the specific goods/services listed in the Trademark Registration Certificate [Article 77.2 of Decree 65/2023/ND-CP]. Therefore, determining whether a third party’s action constitutes infringement requires assessing if it falls within this scope.


If a third party uses a similar or identical trademark on goods or services that differ in nature, function, or target audience from those listed, it does not constitute infringement. However, if the use is on similar goods/services and is likely to confuse consumers about the origin, it may be considered infringement.

例如,在“HOA SEN”纠纷中,IDEA 公司在“印刷日历”上使用相同标志的行为不被视为侵权,因为该产品与 HOA SEN 公司注册的服务(即“通过通信媒体进行销售的商品展示/陈列服务”)截然不同。

For instance, in the “HOA SEN” dispute, IDEA Company’s use of an identical sign on “printed calendars” was not deemed infringement because the product was distinct from HOA SEN Company’s registered services, namely, “services of presentation/displaying of goods on communication media for sales


Misunderstanding the scope of protection can lead to incorrect conclusions about infringement. Trademarks with “weak distinctiveness” or “disclaimed elements” require careful assessment of the “commercial impression” to determine if infringement has occurred.

虽然描述性标志通常不受商标保护,但也存在例外情况。例如,尽管看似具有描述性,但商标“NHÀ AN TOÀN”(安全屋)在越南仍受到保护,用于与家庭安全设备相关的服务。

While descriptive signs generally aren’t protected as trademarks, exceptions exist. For example, despite being seemingly descriptive, the trademark “NHÀ AN TOÀN” (SAFE HOUSE) is protected in Vietnam for services related to home safety devices.


The scope of trademark protection acts as a “protective boundary.” If a third party’s action falls within this boundary – due to similarity in trademarks, goods/services, and a likelihood of confusion – it may constitute infringement. Therefore, before pursuing legal action, it’s crucial to clearly define your trademark’s scope of protection and assess whether the third party’s actions infringe upon it. Keep in mind that the scope can vary depending on the type of trademark and the specifics of each case.

2. 如何确定侵犯商标权的要素 – Determining the Elements Infringing Upon Trademark Rights 


Trademark infringement occurs when signs used in connection with goods, packaging, services, or advertising are identical or similar to a protected trademark, leading to consumer confusion. [Article 77.1, Decree 65/2023/NĐ-CP].


Key Elements of Infringement:

  • 与受保护商标的相似性: 标志在外观、结构、含义或发音方面必须相似或相同,从而导致与注册商标混淆。
  • Similarity to the Protected Trademark: The sign must be similar or identical in appearance, structure, meaning, or pronunciation, causing confusion with the registered trademark.
  • 用于相同或类似的商品/: 该标志用于与商标涵盖的商品或服务相同或类似的商品或服务。用于不同商品/服务的通常不构成侵权。
  • Use for Identical or Similar Goods/Services: The sign is used for goods or services that are the same or similar to those covered by the trademark. Use for different goods/services typically does not constitute infringement.
  • 可能造成混淆: 这是关键因素。如果消费者可能混淆商品或服务的来源,则该标志可能被视为侵权。
  • Likelihood of Confusion: This is the critical factor. If consumers are likely to confuse the origin of the goods or services, the sign may be considered infringing.


Does Similarity Always Mean Infringement?

  • 不一定: 并非所有相似之处都会导致侵权。即使是非常相似的标志,如果用于具有不同用途、功能或目标消费者的商品,也可能不会构成侵权。每个案件都需要彻底分析诸如相似度、产品类型、目标市场和消费者群体等因素。
  • Not Necessarily: Not all similarities result in infringement. Even a highly similar sign may not infringe if used on goods with different purposes, functions, or target consumers. Each case requires a thorough analysis of factors like similarity degree, product type, target market, and consumer base.
  • 例外: 某些相似之处是允许的,例如在商标注册之前已经在使用的商号或公司名。
  • Exceptions: Some similarities are permissible, such as when a trade name or company name was in use before the trademark was registered

3. 诉讼时效 – Statute of Limitations


While most trademark infringement cases are resolved without issues related to the statute of limitations, adhering to these time limits is crucial for enforcing trademark rights. If a trademark owner discovers an infringement but only issues a warning without taking further action, the window for legal recourse may close.

行政措施 – Administrative Measures:


To pursue administrative action, the trademark owner must request the relevant Vietnamese state agency to address the infringement within 02 years from the date the infringing act ended (for completed infringements) or from when it was discovered (for ongoing infringements).

民事救济 –  Civil Remedies:


The statute of limitations for civil remedies varies:

  • 3:对于根据《民法典》第588条寻求“损害赔偿”的诉讼,诉讼时效为知识产权持有人知晓或应当知晓侵权行为之日起3年。
  • 3 Years: For lawsuits seeking “compensation for damages” under Article 588 of the Civil Code, the statute of limitations is 3 years from the date the IP right holder knew or should have known about the infringement.
  • 无期限:根据《民法典》第155.2条请求保护“所有权”的民事诉讼没有诉讼时效。
  • No Time Limit: There is no statute of limitations for civil lawsuits requesting the protection of “ownership rights” under Article 155.2 of the Civil Code.

为了有效地执行您的商标权,请警惕诉讼时效。如果您未在规定的时间内采取法律行动,则发送停止和终止函或公证证据等行为将无效。错过这些截止日期意味着您将失去寻求救济或对商标侵权提起诉讼的权利。To effectively enforce your trademark rights, be vigilant about the statute of limitations. Actions like sending a Cease and Desist Letter or notarizing evidence will be ineffective if you don’t take legal action within the prescribed time. Missing these deadlines means losing your right to seek remedies or initiate a lawsuit for trademark infringement.

4. 争议如何阻碍知识产权侵权诉讼 – How Disputes Can Stall IP Infringement Lawsuits


You may initiate a lawsuit or enforcement action against an infringer without realizing that their mark has already been filed for or granted protection as an Industrial Design. This often comes to light when the alleged infringer presents their evidence under Article 25.3(a) of Decree 99/2013/NĐ-CP.


In such situations, administrative enforcement agencies often “suspend” or “refuse” to handle the infringement in accordance with the provisions of Articles 27 and 28 of Decree 99/2013/NĐ-CP. Similarly, the court may also temporarily suspend the resolution of the case under Article 214.1(d) of the Civil Procedure Code, awaiting the outcome of the IP rights dispute.


These disputes can lead to delays or suspensions of trademark infringement proceedings. Even with an undertaking provided by the trademark owner under Article 27.1(b) of Decree 99/2013/NĐ-CP, Vietnamese enforcement agencies are often cautious and may still suspend the proceedings until it is determined whether the alleged infringer’s sign will be granted protection or if the trademark owner’s mark will be cancelled or invalidated.

如果注册商标被指控为“恶意”获得,并且被指控的侵权者请求越南知识产权局 (VNIPO) 根据《知识产权法》第96条撤销该商标,则诉讼也可能被暂时中止或驳回。越南的《知识产权法》包含防止“滥用知识产权”的措施,如果法院认定不存在侵权并且原告的行为造成损害,则允许被告追回合理的费用和损害赔偿(第198.4条和第198.5条)。这些争议给执法机构带来了不确定性,因为如果它们过早地采取行动没收、处罚或销毁涉嫌侵权的商品,则有可能承担国家赔偿责任。

A lawsuit can also be temporarily suspended or rejected if the registered trademark is alleged to have been obtained in “bad faith,” and the accused infringer requests the Intellectual Property Office of Vietnam (VNIPO) to cancel the trademark under Article 96 of the IP Law. Vietnam’s IP Law includes measures to prevent the “abuse of intellectual property rights,” allowing defendants to recover reasonable costs and damages if the court finds no infringement and the plaintiff’s actions caused harm (Articles 198.4 and 198.5).

These disputes create uncertainty for enforcement agencies, as they risk state compensation liability if they act prematurely by confiscating, penalizing, or destroying goods suspected of infringement.

5. 发现侵权后,您应该发出警告还是立即采取果断的法律措施?-  Should You Issue A Warning Or Apply Decisive Legal Measures Immediately Upon Detecting Infringement?


Many businesses underestimate minor or low-visibility infringements, opting for a lenient approach like sending a warning letter. However, the IP infringement landscape in Vietnam is rapidly evolving and often more pervasive than it appears. What seems minor may be just the tip of the iceberg, with the infringing party potentially using the trademark illegally across various platforms, including websites, e-commerce, business names, or domain names.

警告信不仅可能无效,还可能适得其反。侵权者可能会巩固其地位,甚至成功注册有争议的商标。即使有异议和有利于商标所有人的专家意见,VNIPO 仍可能对涉嫌侵权的商标授予保护。

A Cease and Desist Letter may not only be ineffective but could also backfire. The infringer might solidify their position or even successfully register the trademarks in question. Even with opposition and expert opinions in favor of the trademark owner, VNIPO might still grant protection to the allegedly infringing mark.

鉴于这些风险,请考虑从一开始就采取果断的法律行动。这种方法允许您收集有价值的证据,保护商标的完整性,并为未来的维权创造有利的先例。随着您的商标声誉的提高,它更容易被模仿,因此成功的维权行动至关重要。这些胜利可以作为在 VNIPO 反对第三方商标申请的有力工具,并使未来的维权更容易。

Given these risks, consider taking decisive legal action from the outset. This approach allows you to gather valuable evidence, protect the integrity of your trademark, and create favorable precedents for future enforcement. As your trademark gains reputation, it becomes more vulnerable to imitation, making successful enforcement actions crucial. These victories can serve as powerful tools to oppose third-party trademark applications at VNIPO and make future enforcement easier.

6. 商标保护的挑战:越南知识产权注册的滥用 –  Challenges in Trademark Protection: The Exploitation of IP Registration in Vietnam


Due to the low cost of trademark registration in Vietnam, some third parties attempt to register trademarks similar to well-known brands to exploit their reputation for financial gain. These “parasitic” trademarks undermine the distinctiveness of the original mark and create significant challenges for the legitimate owner in enforcing their rights.

虽然越南的知识产权法允许撤销商标,但一旦寄生商标获得保护,对其提出质疑将非常困难,而且成功率很低。通常,商标要经过 12-18 个月的实质审查。如果 VNIPO 撤销注册商标,则可能意味着初步审查存在错误,并且如果侵权者已经使用该商标将产品商业化,则可能导致国家赔偿。

While Vietnam’s IP Law allows for trademark cancellation, once a parasitic trademark is granted protection, challenging it is difficult and has a low success rate. Typically, trademarks undergo a 12-18 month substantive examination. If VNIPO cancels a registered trademark, it may imply errors in the initial examination and could lead to state compensation if the infringer has commercialized products under that trademark.

知识产权案件的法官通常缺乏专业知识,严重依赖 VNIPO 或 VIPRI 等机构的专家意见。因此,法院的裁决很少与 VNIPO 的裁定相矛盾,即使错误明显,也很难撤销商标。

Judges in IP cases often lack specialized knowledge, relying heavily on expert opinions from bodies like VNIPO or VIPRI. As a result, court decisions rarely contradict VNIPO’s determinations, making it challenging to revoke a trademark even when errors are evident.

7. 关于混淆可能性的冲突观点:VIPRI 与 VNIPO – Conflicting Views on Likelihood of Confusion: VIPRI vs. VNIPO

在实践中,VIPRI 和 VNIPO 就商标事宜得出的结论之间存在差异。

In practice, there are instances where discrepancies arise between the conclusions regarding trademark matters reached by VIPRI and VNIPO.

商标所有人通常会提交 VIPRI 专家意见的请求,以支持其侵权索赔。然而,即使 VIPRI 得出存在侵权要素(即存在混淆的可能性)的结论,VNIPO 也可能发布相反的决定,对涉嫌侵权的商标授予保护。

Trademark owners often file requests for expert opinions from VIPRI to support their claims of infringement. However, even when VIPRI concludes that there are elements of infringement (i.e., likelihood of confusion exists), VNIPO may issue a contrary decision, granting protection to the allegedly infringing trademark.

这种差异虽然被解释为“评估角度不同”的结果,但却引发了人们对知识产权法适用的一致性和客观性的重大质疑。因此,即使有来自 VIPRI 的有利专家意见,您也无法完全确信自己有能力保护自己的权利。

This discrepancy, although explained as a result of “differing perspectives in evaluation”, raises significant questions about the consistency and objectivity in the application of IP law. Consequently, even with a favorable expert opinion from VIPRI, you cannot be entirely confident in your ability to protect your rights.

8. 彻底调查:在越南有效执行知识产权的关键 – Thorough Investigation: Key to Effective Enforcement of IP Rights in Vietnam


Many trademark owners, hesitant to invest in investigation costs, underestimate or downplay the importance of investigating infringements. As a result, they only obtain limited information from their non-specialized investigative staff. Consequently, trademark owners often conclude that the infringement is insignificant and unlikely to have a negative impact on their brand.


In reality, the scope and extent of the infringement can be far more serious and widespread than initially apparent, often involving an entire network with hidden supply chains, warehouses, and distribution channels. The profits from selling infringing products, even for a single season, can sustain the infringer for an entire year or even longer. Therefore, upon discovering suspected infringing products, it’s crucial to assess the potential harm and risks at a high level, never underestimating or dismissing them. Our practical experience shows that even seemingly minor infringements warrant a comprehensive investigation, encompassing both on-the-ground and online inquiries, examining everything from business facilities to products, from product origins (domestic or imported) to distribution channels. Only through a thorough investigation can the full picture of the infringement be revealed. This enables you to make swift, informed decisions, minimizing the damage to your intellectual property.

结论 – Closing thoughts


Undeniably, addressing IP infringements, particularly trademark violations, in Vietnam can be fraught with challenges. These challenges range from determining the scope of protection and identifying infringing elements to navigating issues related to statutes of limitations and disputes. All of these require a deep understanding of the law and an effective enforcement strategy. The exploitation of IP registration processes and inconsistencies in assessments among relevant authorities have created significant difficulties for trademark owners. However, this does not mean that positive outcomes are unattainable.


Combating trademark infringement is not a single battle but a long-term journey. It demands that trademark owners develop a comprehensive enforcement strategy, possess a deep understanding of the law, and have the ability to identify and manage legal risks. These are the key factors for successful enforcement and protection of IP rights in Vietnam.

QUAN, Nguyen Vu | Partner, IP Attorney

HONG, Hoang Thi Tuyet | Senior Trademark Attorne

LY, Dinh Trang | Associate