Zhong Wu vs. ZHONGYU: 越南商标差异分析的原则
[vc_row triangle_shape="no"][vc_column][vc_column_text] 即使只有一个驳回理由,对越南知识产权局 (VNIPO) 的商标驳回决定提出上诉也面临着巨大的法律挑战。多个驳回理由更是加剧了难度。然而,KENFOX IP & Law Office 最近成功地推翻了一项通过马德里体系指定越南的商标驳回决定,尽管该商标已被三个不同的理由驳回。 Appealing a trademark refusal decision from the Intellectual Property Office of Vietnam (VNIPO) presents significant legal challenges, even with a single ground for refusal. Facing multiple grounds compounds the difficulty. However, KENFOX IP & Law Office recently succeeded in overturning a refusal for a trademark filed through the Madrid System designating Vietnam, despite the mark being rejected on three distinct grounds. 是什么说服了越南知识产权局 (VNIPO) 重新考虑其最初的结论,最终认可了先前因包含汉字和与两个引证商标相似而被驳回的商标的显著性?从这一成功上诉中可以吸取哪些教训? What persuaded the VNIPO to reconsider its initial conclusion and ultimately recognize the distinctiveness of a trademark previously rejected for containing Chinese characters and exhibiting similarities to two cited marks?...
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