KENFOX IP & Law Office > Uncategorized  > 商标  > 恶意注册商标的情况下,如何认定申请人“知情”或“有理由知情”呢?


本案中,根据第23/2023/TT-BKHCN号通知第34.2条的规定,证明商标注册申请人“知情”或“有理由知情”真正商标所有者的商标,并非易事。越南知识产权法并未对需要提供的证明文件作出具体规定。然而,基于已处理的“恶意”注册商标争议案件,KENFOX IP & Law Office 概述了一些必要的文件和证据来帮助商标所有者。一个在先的有效商标能够证明申请人在向越南提交商标注册申请之前“知道或有理由知道”该商标。

Proving that the trademark registration applicant “knows” or “has a basis to know” the trademark of genuine trademark owners according to the provisions of Article 34.2 of Circular 23/2023/TT-BKHCN in this case. The case of filing an application with bad intentions is not simple. Vietnam’s Intellectual Property Law does not establish specific regulations on documents that need to be provided for proof purposes. However, on the basis that trademark disputes registered with “bad faith” have been handled, KENFOX IP & Law Office, provides an overview of necessary documents and evidence to help trademark owners. A genuine trademark proves that the applicant “know or had a basis to know” about that trademark before filing an application for registration in Vietnam.

1.商标的声誉或广泛使用 (Reputation or widespread use of the mark)

这些文件旨在证明该商标已被公众认可,积极进行了市场推广且得到广泛认知,从而更易于认定在相关领域甚至普通公众中 —— 人们理应已经知晓该品牌。因此,申请人在越南提交申请之前不可能不知道该商标的存在。需要提供的文件如下:

These documents are intended to demonstrate that the trademark is recognized by the public, actively marketed and widely recognized, making it easier to assume that anyone in the relevant field or even the general public – it is reasonable to already know the brand. Therefore, the applicant cannot not know about the existence of the trademark before filing the application in Vietnam. Documents that need to be provided are as follows:

  • 标注册证:提供在商标申请日之前的商标注册证副本,表明真正商标所有者的商标已获得官方认可和保护。

Trademark Registration Certificates: Provide a copy of the trademark registration prior to the trademark filing date, showing that the true trademark owner’s trademark has been officially recognized and protected.

  • 销售和营销材料:证明商标在商业中的广泛使用,包括宣传材料、销售数据、广告活动和分销信息,尤其是在真正商标所有者开展业务的地区。

Sales and marketing materials: Demonstrate widespread use of the mark in commerce, including promotional materials, sales data, advertising campaigns, and distribution information, particularly in regions where the genenuine trademark owner operates.

2.公众活动证明文件 (Documentation of public outreach)


Public presence: Document of participation in the display of branded goods at trade fairs, exhibitions or industry events where the trademark of the authentic trademark owner was displayed and the applicant may have attended.

  • 出版物和传播资料:文章、新闻报道和出版物展示品牌商品,并展示品牌在行业内的知名度和认可度。

Publications and communications: Articles, news reports, and publications showcase branded merchandise and demonstrate the brand’s visibility and recognition within the industry.

3.在数字环境中的存在 (Presence in the digital environment)

  • 线存在:关于品牌所有者商标在线可见性的文件和数据,例如搜索引擎结果、网站流量统计和线上社交情况。

Online presence: Documents and data about the online visibility of the brand owner’s trademark, such as search engine results, website traffic statistics and online presence society.

  • 域名:与实际商标所有者的商标匹配或密切相关的域名注册文件,表明该商标在申请人申请日期之前已在数字环境中使用。

Domain name: Documentation of a domain name registration that matches or is closely related to the trademark of the actual trademark owner, showing that the trademark was in use in the digital environment before the applicant’s filing date.

4.市场调查和消费者评估及认证 (Market survey and consumer evaluation and certification)

  • 调查:消费者调查文件表明,消费者对品牌的认知与真正品牌所有者的产品/服务相关。

Surveys: Consumer survey documents show that consumer awareness of the brand is associated with the product/service of the authentic brand owner.

  • 评估和认证:来自客户或合作伙伴对品牌的评估和认证文件,并将该品牌与真正品牌所有者的业务联系起来。

Evaluations and certifications: Documentation of evaluations and certifications from customers or partners about the brand and linking that brand to the business of the authentic brand owner. 

5.既往关系 (Previous relationships)


Documentation of the previous relationship between the genuine trademark owner and the applicant in bad faith is the strongest, convincing and most direct evidence proving that the applicant was aware of the existence of the trademark. at the front of the trademark, including but not limited to the following documents:

  • 电子邮件、信函和谅解备忘录:任何在真正商标所有者与申请人之间讨论商标或相关商业活动的书面通信。涉及或讨论商标的任何合资企业、合作或伙伴关系的相关文件。

Emails, letters, and memoranda of understanding: Any written correspondence between the bona fide trademark owner and the applicant discussing the trademark or related business activities. Documents relating to any joint venture, collaboration or partnership in which the trademark is involved or discussed.

  • 议纪要:讨论商标的会议文件。如果申请人出席了这些会议或有代表出席,这些文件可以作为其知情的证据。

Meeting minutes: Documentation of meetings where trademarks were discussed. If the applicant is present at these meetings or is represented, these documents can serve as evidence of their knowledge.

  • 双方之间的合同或协议:任何提及商标的合同或商业协议(即使尚未最终确定)。这包括许可协议、保密协议 (NDAs) 或任何其他提及商标的商业合同。

Contract or agreement between two parties: Any contract or business agreement (even if not yet finalized) that mentions trademarks. This includes licensing agreements, non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) or any other commercial contracts in which the trademark is mentioned.

  • 先前商标争议:包括之前就未经授权使用商标向申请人或相关方发送的任何推荐信或类似法律通知,以及与商标争议或谈判相关的任何文件。

Previous trademark disputes: Includes any previous letters of recommendation or similar legal notices sent to the applicant or interested parties regarding unauthorized use of the trademark, as well as any documents relating to trademark disputes or negotiations.


Trade shows, exhibitions: If both parties attend the same trade shows, conferences or industry events where the trademark is displayed or discussed, documents from these events can be used as evidence. Proof.

结论 (Final thoughts)

如果一个商标被证明已被广泛使用和认可,那么从本质上讲,可以合理地认为同一地域或商业范围内的其他组织和个人知晓该商标的存在。当申请人与真正商标所有者在同一行业或拥有相同细分市场时,这种论点就更有分量。关于申请人和商标所有者之间先前关系的文件可以证明申请人在提交申请前就知道或应该知道商标所有者的商标。在“EVELINE COSMETICS”生产贸易公司反对“EVELINE COSMETICS, device”商标注册申请案中,知识产权局已确定真正商标所有者提供的文件和证据有依据证实“EVELINE COSMETICS, device”商标归该公司所有,并且“EVELINE COSMETICS, device”商标在越南申请人提交申请之前已被广泛使用和认可。

If a mark is proven to have been widely used and recognized, it is essentially reasonable to argue that other organizations and individuals within the same geographical or commercial scope will be aware of the mark. there. This argument carries weight when the applicant operates in the same industry or has the same market segment as the bona fide trademark owner. Documents about the previous relationship between the applicant and the trademark owner are documents that prove that the applicant knew or should have known the trademark owner’s trademark before filing the application. In the case of Przedsiebiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe “EVELINE COSMETICS” opposing the trademark registration application “EVELINE COSMETICS, device”, the IP has determined that the documents and evidence provided by the genuine trademark owner have a basis to confirm that the trademark “EVELINE COSMETICS, device” is owned by this company and the trademark “EVELINE COSMETICS, device” has been widely used and recognized before the time of filing the application by the Vietnamese applicant.


However, each document and evidence in cases of trademark registration with malicious intent must be collected and processed carefully to ensure that they can be considered legal documents and evidence. On that basis, arguments that the applicant “know” or “has a basis to know” about the trademark before filing the application are valid and accepted by IP VIETNAM.

如果您需要专业的建议和代理,通过异议程序夺回商标,或撤销在越南恶意注册的商标,请联系 KENFOX IP & Law Office。

Please contact KENFOX IP & Law Office if you need professional advice and representation to reclaim your trademark through opposition procedures or cancellation of trademarks registered in bad faith in Vietnam.

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