KENFOX IP & Law Office > Articles posted by KENFOX IP (Page 19)

Overcoming Relative Ground Refusal Against International Registration Designating Cambodia

Overview of the Madrid System of International Registration: The Madrid system of international registration is governed by two treaties: (i) the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks, which dates from 1891, and (ii) the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement, which was adopted in 1989, entered into force on 01 December 1995, and came into operation on 01 April 1996. Cambodia is party only to the Protocol, not to the Agreement. The Madrid Protocol became effective in Cambodia on 05 June 2015. ...

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Expertise opinions/IP assessment in IPR enforcement proceedings in Vietnam and several notable obstacles

Expertise opinions/IP assessment in IPR enforcement proceedings in Vietnam and several notable obstacles 1. Expertise opinions/IP assessment in IPR enforcement in Vietnam In recent years, despite improvements in IPR enforcement with joint efforts made by multiple Vietnamese government authorities, generally, the IPR infringement has still been omimous and prevalentl in various areas of Vietnam, with an increase in the number of infringement products and a high level of seriousness. The most common modes of IPR infringement, in trademark rights for instance, include: ...

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Notice on receipt of request for accelerating examination of patent applications under the PPH program between the Intellectual Property Office of Vietnam and Japan Patent Office in 2020

On 22 May 2020, the Intellectual Property Office of Vietnam (IP Vietnam) issued Notice No. 7108/TB-SHTT regarding its receipt of request for accelerating examination of patent applications under the PPH program (PPH request) between the IP Vietnam and Japan Patent Office (JPO) in 2020. According to this Notice, as at the end of 4 May 2020, the IP Vietnam had sufficiently received 100 PPH requests for the period from 1 April 2020 thru 30 September 2020....

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Dealing with substantive trademark Office Action based on absolute grounds in Vietnam

A substantive trademark Office Action is issued by the Intellectual Property Office of Vietnam (“IP Vietnam”) to indicate an issue with an applied-for trademark. While a substantive trademark Office Action shows that an applied-for trademark has been rejected, it is usually possible to file a response thereto that either corrects a defect identified by the IP Vietnam or that explains to the IP Vietnam why the applied-for trademark should be allowed. ...

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What legal tools are available under Vietnamese law to protect the brand identity or other aspects of products?

The following intellectual property (“IP”) rights can be used, depending on the nature of the brand or products, to protect the business interests under the laws of Vietnam: Trade dress/get-up:  Generally, trade dress may consist of one or more elements (e.g. color, size, and/or shape of packaging); or it may be the overall image or concept of a product, packaging and/ or decoration that may reflect the full look and feel of a business including signs, logos, uniforms, merchandising, websites and labels. Therefore, trade dress refers to the manner in which a product is “dressed up” to go to market. In Vietnam, trade-dress falls within the scope of “unfair competition” as provided in Article 130, Vietnam IP Law. ...

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Evidence usable in IP right disputes

Under the prevailing laws of Vietnam, the sources that may be used upon resolution of disputes over intellectual property rights comprise readable, audible and visible materials; exhibits, etc. Upon resolution of disputes over intellectual property rights, like other civil cases, the litigant who requests the Court to protect his/her lawful rights and interests shall present evidence to prove that such request is grounded and legal. The party who opposes the request of another person against himself/herself must prove that the opposition is grounded and must submit evidence to prove it (Article 91 of the Civil Procedure Code 2015)....

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Vietnam’s Intellectual Property Strategy with a Vision to 2030 – What should be noted?

Intellectual property (“IP”) is a key concern for every business, regardless of where it operates. In an attempt to strengthen the protection of IP Rights, maximizing the benefits of innovation and innovation activities, in August 2019, the Vietnamese government has released Decision No. 1068/QD-TTg on National IP Strategy on Intellectual Property Strategy with a Vision to 2030 with the following main policies:...

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What’s important to note about the civil proceedings to resolve IP related disputes in Vietnam?

Judicially, in Vietnam, two routes for reviewing a court's final judgment, namely, (i) in case such judgment can be shown to be based on a severe error of law, it can go through the process of cassation, where the judgment will be reviewed and possibly annulled due to the material error in the procedure and (ii) where, on the other hand, new evidence or facts are discovered that could have affected the outcome of the case....

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VIPRI opinion for IPR enforcement in Vietnam. What important points you need to know?

In general, "intellectual property assessment" is a term used to denote specialized services that provide expert opinions/expert witness on IPR related issues pertaining to IPR infringement, valuing IP rights and determining the value of damages caused by IPR infringement. In Vietnam, intellectual property assessment is typically carried out at the request of one or both parties to an IPR dispute or at the discretion of the Vietnamese IPR enforcement agencies in order to resolve alleged IPR infringements. A professional performing assessment is called a assessor (assessment expert), who has qualification in conformity with each area of assessment, has been trained,...

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