KENFOX IP & Law Office > Articles posted by KENFOX IP (Page 10)

6 key takeaways to cope with patent infringement allegations in Vietnam

Have you ever been accused of patent infringement while conducting manufacturing and business operations in Vietnam? If you're unsure how to respond to a patent infringement allegation, you may be tempted to panic and worry about the worst-case scenario. You're probably wondering if your goods are illegal and thus subject to seizure on the market or at the border; if you'll be held liable for future items allegedly infringing a patent; if your business will face expensive lawsuits for damages; if consumers will turn against you and/or your business will likely attract negative media attention, and so on. ...

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How to register copyright in Vietnam?

You do not need to apply for copyright registration to enjoy copyright protection in Vietnam. In compliance with the Berne Convention to which Vietnam is a signatory, Vietnam Copyright Law provides that “Copyright shall arise at the time a work is created and fixed in a particular material form, regardless of its content, quality, form, mode, or language, and regardless of whether such work has been published or registered." As such, statutorily, copyright is an automatic right that does not require registration, which means that the author or creator acquires copyright immediately upon completion of the original work. However, IPR...

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KENFOX – A reliable IP partner for businesses

[vc_row triangle_shape="no"][vc_column width="1/4"][vc_column_text] Mr. Nguyen Vu Quan, in a discussion with Economic Times   [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text] The signing of the major trade pacts EVFTA, CPTPP, and RCEPT spurred a complete change to Vietnamese IP Law, requiring better IP protection standards. Domestic businesses will face increased pressure from the need to protect and enforce intellectual property rights. Numerous businesses are well aware of this and take the necessary steps to establish their intellectual property rights. These accomplishments would not have been possible without the significant contribution of intellectual property law firms, one of which is KENFOX IP & Law Office. [/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text] KENFOX IP & Law Office specializes in...

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Should “XYLITOL” be recognized as a trademark?

Currently, as Vietnam integrates into the global economy, trademark protection is a critical issue for all businesses. However, there have been a number of trademark disputes in the market recently, complicating the process of resolving disputes for businesses engaged in imports. The recent case concerning Kido Company in Ho Chi Minh City is an example. Kido Company is a pharmaceutical import and export company. Kido Company is an importer and exporter of pharmaceuticals. Kido Company is currently importing clean and fragrant oral lozenges under the trademark "mekiss XYLITOL" into the Vietnamese market. Under license from HELMIGS GERMANY GmBh in Germany, this product is...

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Xử lý các thông báo từ chối bảo hộ nhãn hiệu dược phẩm tại Campuchia như thế nào?

Số lượng nhãn hiệu ngày càng tăng, đặc biệt là các nhãn hiệu dược phẩm, và quy trình thẩm định chặt chẽ quá mức cần thiết là những nguyên nhân cơ bản khiến cho nhiều nhãn hiệu xin đăng ký tại Campuchia bị từ chối. Thẩm định viên Cục Sở hữu Trí tuệ (SHTT) Campuchia thường đưa các nhãn hiệu đối chứng, thoạt đầu, dường như khá tương tự, nhưng nếu xem xét kỹ, đó là những nhãn hiệu có thể phân biệt được với nhau. Tuy nhiên, nếu nhãn hiệu xin đăng ký bị từ chối, mà chủ đơn...

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Opposing an Application Mark without prior rights in Vietnam, is it possible?

You became aware that a third party had applied to register a mark in Vietnam which is strikingly similar to yours. Although you lack prior intellectual property rights in Vietnam, you wish to prevent such a similar mark from maturing into registration and would like to know whether a Notice of Opposition can be filed in this situation. The question on the availability of the right to oppose the registration of an Application Mark is critical for IPR holders, particularly those seeking to file a trademark opposition but lacking prior rights. The answer is yes, but only where appropriate. ...

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The Hague System: How it Can Benefit Industrial Design Registration

In the current competitive business environment, the outer appearance or design of a product is considered a great advantage which the Owners, from creators to businesses, can take. In view of what the Hague System may benefit the Owners, the international registration of industrial designs is the important step to be initiated by the Owners to protect their commercial interests overseas, and it also constitutes an indispensable part of any global business strategy. Therefore, it is highly advisable that the Owners take prompt action to seek, by way of the Hague System, global protection of their industrial designs, which we...

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